Mike's Oud Forums

Tis the season to sell some ouds

LeeVaris - 11-25-2009 at 06:11 PM

Hi all,

I'm selling 3 of my ouds

Samir Oud, floating bridge, 7-course oud with serious upgrades, AKG microphone pickup, Peghed tuning pegs, French Polish finish - this is a very seriously cool instrument but it just isn't getting the love it deserves in my hands. I was saving it for professional performances but its very unlikely that I will have the time to pursue this any time soon - 7 courses are maybe a little too much for me right now - anyway easily a $2000 instrument. Here's a video:


2nd Oud

LeeVaris - 11-25-2009 at 06:14 PM

A very nice Turkish oud by Ramazan Calay - here's a video:


This was an impulse buy at Lark Camp... really good oud but I need to thin out my collection and I'm just not playing this that much any more. $1500

Last but not least

LeeVaris - 11-25-2009 at 06:29 PM

Finally, this is the most painful for me to let go...

A really flawless oud by Dincer Dalkilic - I have some really nice photos here:


A sound file here:


What can I say - I can use some extra cash these days... economic conditions being what they are. I'm trying to hold on to just the ouds I play regularly. This was a very tough choice because its such a beautiful instrument but I think someone looking for a great Turkish oud in a style that Cinucen Tanrikorur would have played will really enjoy this oud.

$2500 - accepting offers on all the ouds - all supplied with gig bags and a set of strings strings

norumba - 11-27-2009 at 11:06 AM

id love your Samir 7 course -- i need exactly that set up right now -- but it would take a while to arrange ... :( .

LeeVaris - 12-9-2009 at 09:54 PM

I'm entertaining all offers...

Lower Prices

LeeVaris - 12-10-2009 at 08:02 PM

Well... in light of the fact that Jonathan has placed some comparable ouds for sale at much lower prices, I'm dropping the price for you. I was hoping someone would just shout out a figure first but here goes... I've already said what they were worth - now for the holidays:

Dincer oud: $1500

Ramazan Calay: $900

Samir 7-course w/pickup: $1200

Of course, in good middle eastern tradition, I expect you to bargain...

norumba - 12-10-2009 at 11:58 PM

fantastic prices, let me see what i can do for the 7 course...

VicDiesel - 2-12-2010 at 07:41 AM

This thread is not closed, your youtube vids are still up....

Could it be that the 7-course is still for sale?


mavrothis - 2-12-2010 at 08:05 AM

Hi Lee,

Is the Ramazan oud still available?



VicDiesel - 2-13-2010 at 05:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by oudistcamp  
I bought it.

"It" being which one?


Some ouds sold

LeeVaris - 2-17-2010 at 09:30 AM

Sorry for the late replies on this thread.

The Ramazan oud is sold.

The Samir oud just sold.

The Dincer is "still" for sale but I might have an interested buyer.

I might be selling some other ouds though so stay tuned. I'm seriously considering getting down to only one oud but the ones that are left are really special so its a very hard decision. Unfortunately (for me) I can really use the money right now. I just don't want to make any decisions I will regret later.

LeeVaris - 2-18-2010 at 09:16 PM

The Dincer oud is sold!

but... I will have at least 2 more ouds for sale soon!

Sam - 3-1-2010 at 12:24 PM

ok would you plz upload pix for the 2 more ouds u want to sell ?

LeeVaris - 3-1-2010 at 05:04 PM

I'm still trying to decide which ouds I will sell and what I'll be asking for them. I'm pretty sure I'll be selling Jameel's double soundboard oud though it pains me to do so - it has a longer scale length that I'm less comfortable with and its feels different from the ouds I'm likely to keep.

You can see photos of it here:


ameer - 3-2-2010 at 06:52 AM

Can you give a ballpark price for the double soundboard oud? That'd be a killer instrument to own.

Jameel's Sandwich Top Oud

LeeVaris - 3-5-2010 at 10:26 AM

Hi all,

Yes... I finally decided to sell the sandwich top oud. A very hard decision!! In the interest of thinning out my collection and the need for some money in uncertain financial conditions, I must part with this oud. There are details on Jameel's website with some great photos and a video:


Scale length: 61.5cm. Tuning: CFAdgc'
Bowl dimensions: 14-1/2" wide, 19-3/4" long, 8-3/8" deep

Joseph Tawadros says this oud sounds like an old Nahat! However, it has a longer scale length than I'm comfortable with and my interests have turned to Turkish style ouds. I'd love to keep it but I think it deserves someone who will really appreciate it AND play it.

I've had a number of people interested in Jameel's double soundboard oud but I'm getting vary wary of shipping these delicate instruments. I will not ship via airplane so I cannot ship overseas – if you live anyway that is not accessible by ground from Los Angeles don't bother contacting me. I shipped the Dincer oud to Australia and it arrived with a loose brace, other wise undamaged but I have to assume that the change in pressure and/or humidity and/or general jostling around during travel must have produced the problem. I've refunded the buyers money and I'm taking it back fro repair so, at some point I'll probably sell that oud again but nothing is ever going to fly on a plane unless I can get someone to hand carry it.

I'm asking $1700 (or best offer above that) for the first double soundboard oud ever made – again, I have a number of people already interested in it. Also, in the interests of full disclosure, I've managed to put a scratch in the face of the oud near the bridge where the strings tie up (never try to tighten a string at the bridge with needle nose pliers!) so, although the scratch disappears or blends in with the ends of the strings (if you leave the tails long enough), its still there! I'm selling this oud with Jameel's soft case.

Everyone is, of course interested in photos of the scratch! Jameel had a look at it when he was in Los Angeles visiting - he event tried to "steam it out" without any luck - he said it would NOT have any effect on the structural integrity of the oud and it certainly hasn't affected the sound at all - its just a scratch.

Oud_Bridge.jpg - 141kB

Jameel's Label

LeeVaris - 3-5-2010 at 10:28 AM

I thought you all would get a kick out of this -- its kind of hard to get a good shot of Jameel's label through his great hand carved rose but check this out!

Oud_Label.jpg - 49kB

Contact me offline

LeeVaris - 3-5-2010 at 10:30 AM

Please contact me offline if you are interested in the oud.



LeeVaris - 3-5-2010 at 04:56 PM

Wow - that was fast!

Jameel's oud is sold.

I am waiting for the Dincer oud to return. I will then need to make some repairs, not yet sure of the extent of the damage but once it is repaired (for a loose brace) I have have it available for sale.

Thanks everyone for your interest.