Mike's Oud Forums

My personal Collection of uds[Manol 1880 included]

spyros mesogeia - 2-7-2010 at 07:23 PM

Hi guys,
I just want to share with you some small videos with some of my ouds.
Regards to all:wavey:

Sazi - 2-7-2010 at 09:02 PM

Nice collection you have there! My personal favorites are Dimitris' ouds, the 7 course in particular has a great sound.

spyros mesogeia - 2-7-2010 at 09:08 PM

thank you my friend,
each flower has his own parfume.....
Regards to all

dimitrisd - 2-8-2010 at 12:09 AM

Bravo Spyros!!!!

Be always well my friend, and play your beautiful ouds in good health and prosperity!!!

Γειά σου ρε Σπύρο με τα ούτια σου!! Πολύ ωραία όργανα όλα τους με την δική τους ξεχωριστή ομορφιά!!!!
Να τα χαίρεσαι φίλε μου να 'σαι πάντα καλά!!!



Γεια σου Σπυρακλα

spyrosc - 2-8-2010 at 01:19 AM

Τι γινεσαι φιλε μου ? Ολα καλα ελπιζω.

Καταπληκτικος ως συνηθως. Ποτε θα σε δουμε στην Καλιφορνια ?

Αυτο ειναι το Μανωλης που λεγαμε ? Λεβεντια.

Τι χορδες χρησιμοποιεις ?


Ararat66 - 2-8-2010 at 06:18 AM

Great to hear - that Manoli has an amazing refined sound from what I can hear ... 130 years of sound wisdom:))


spyros mesogeia - 2-8-2010 at 06:29 AM

Thank you Dimitri,they are all with diferent but special sound,I really love them all....this is an 11 years of ''filtering'' ouds......
I really love them all and I really want to thank you all for your nice comments.
Μητσαρα να εισαι καλα ρε φιλε,αν και δεν τα ειπαμε συχνα απο κοντα σε θεωρω απο τους πραγματικους φιλους.
Κυριε Σπυρο Καλημερα και υγεια.
θελω να ερθω και να συναντησω ολους τους καλους ουτιερηδες της περιοχης αλλα κυριως να σε δω κι εσενα γιατι εισαι ανθρωπος μερακλης.Τωρα επειδη εχω ζοριστει λιγακι με το ινστιτουτο εδω δεν μπορω να ερθω,αλλα καποια στιγμη θα σε παρω να τα πουμε και να σε ρωτησω και για Ναχατ,και μετα πιστευω πως εγω εκλεισα την συλλογη.Αλλα προς το παρον απλα τα χαζευω απο μακρια.

spyros mesogeia - 2-8-2010 at 06:32 AM

Leon thank you my friend.
The truth is that this Manol has a special sound....
it is 130 years old played continiously,and I really love it.
I will tell you only this.I have simple La Bella strings on it....nothing special.
And I really play it very much and normaly[practicing almost daily].
But as I said many times....each flower has his own parfume.:wavey:

Ararat66 - 2-8-2010 at 11:41 AM

Hi Spyros

Well my oud is a Tasos Theodorakis which is very special to me so I appreciate how you feel.


Jonathan - 2-8-2010 at 01:03 PM

Dang!! Those videos made my day. Beautiful ouds, beautiful playing.

spyros mesogeia - 2-8-2010 at 01:11 PM

Thank you guys,
I really love all these ouds,they are all made and designed with a lot of love.All the ouds are made by great Luthiers,and some of them are friends,like Dimitris,Tasos,and Baris.
As for their sound,I love them because they have personality and they are not something in common.Thank you all guys and I really hope to see you again soon.
Jonathan I hope to see you one day my friend,it will be a great pleasure for me.I live in Maryland now.
Leon,Tasos also made for me a great seven courses fretless laouto,an amazing instrument my friend

mavrothis - 2-8-2010 at 09:27 PM

Mprabo re! Me ugeia na xairesai to plousio xaremi sou!

Prepei na brethoume re gamwto na ta poume kai na paiksoume kana taksimi!

Kai megale, s' euxaristw gia to tilefwnima otan epatha auto to atuxima - na eisai kala.


Danielo - 2-9-2010 at 01:21 AM

Great oud collection, and beautiful playing my friend!

They all sound great but very differently this is a very instructive post thank you :).

My own preference may be for the Tasos.... but this is just a matter of taste they are all very nice!

alfaraby - 2-9-2010 at 02:56 AM

They are all very good, but I liked the last one best. It sounds deep & velvet to my ear .

Good luck

Yours truly

spyros mesogeia - 2-9-2010 at 09:02 AM

Mayroydh gia emena eisai aderfos file.Eytyxws o 8eos ebale to xeri toy.
Na eisai kala kai me to kalo na er8ei kai to paidi.Panta eyloghmenoi na eisaste.
Dear friend Alfaraby.Those ouds are my project and I am very proud for them,as I told you,the have the old type Izmirnian sound with the actual sustain and technology.
Best Regards to all of you Friends

Luttgutt - 2-9-2010 at 12:20 PM

Thanks for the post Spyros!

Absolutly beautiful collection you have.
And nice playing. I only wish you played longer on all of them!

Needless to say, the Manol is just wanderful.

But I have to say MY favorit in this collection is the Dimitris fixed bridge 2004!!!

I would love to own a Dimitris one day. Actually I would have loved to use a Dimitris on my next CD :airguitar:

Again, thanks for the post.

p.s. Guys, how do you post on youtube? I would love to chare my ouds with you

spyros mesogeia - 2-9-2010 at 12:24 PM

Thank you my friend
Each flower has his own parfume,and ofcourse all the ouds need to be played and alot of care and love-respect.

katakofka - 2-10-2010 at 12:01 AM

I have played all Sypros ouds:xtreme:

aytayfun - 2-10-2010 at 12:40 PM

Congragulations my friend. As I know, you are know the owner of the oldest Manol 1880. The second one is in the hands of Cengiz Sarıkuş 1893 and the third one is in my hands 1895. Congraguklations again.
Each flower has his own parfume however, each manol has the sound of history amd masterpiece.

damascene_oud - 2-12-2010 at 07:03 AM

Congrats Spyros for this awesome collection you have.
Personally my favorites are two:
The floating bridge oud the custom made one "the last one" ...man the sound was fantastic.
Where can one find that oud Spyros?
Play them with total joy and health man...:)

VicDiesel - 2-12-2010 at 10:37 AM

Nice toys....

Thanks for posting those videos.


spyros mesogeia - 2-12-2010 at 10:40 PM

Thank you all guys.
I really am happy that I have those instruments,they really make my life much more colourfull and nice.Damascene Oud I have send you an u2u mesage.
Dr Aydin,it will be a great pleasure for me to chat sometime,please let me know.
Katakofkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??????????? You are mad as I am Souheil bro...It's really nice to have you here in the region and make some music together.And Adel also
Regards to all:wavey: