Can someone give info about these makers? Where - What - Who - pics.... who plays them, how do they work...... etc etc etc
Please add info on other master oud makers we might not have heard of... I know of Albert Mansour also - he seems to be know for making the lightest
ouds: 600grams
fernandraynaud - 5-8-2010 at 12:42 AM
Edward, you might best rely on your own research, all anybody can tell you is their opinion.
Nazih Ghadban out of Beirut makes very well-finished and good-sounding ouds. I've played a relatively small one, 58.5 cm, nice midrange timbre, a
little nasal, not a strong bottom. I'm sure others can fill this in better, he's considered a major luthier, and has a lot of admirers. You can make
out the timbre here:
Web site:
Ibrahim Sukar out of Aleppo, makes a line of ouds that are considered by most members "reliable middle tier", although they sound very darned good to
me. He refuses to use the most expensive materials people associate with top "boutique" ouds. I think he's dedicated to making high quality affordable
for more people. He has developed a standard bracing and soundboard design to take the guesswork out of producing good-sounding ouds. The timbre is
consistently on the bright side with a strong projection, long sustain and powerful bass, and his ouds have a lot of sharper resonance points rather
than a couple of wide peaks. Not buzzy like a Turkish or sharp/plucky like an Iraqi floating bridge, but still quite different from the typical
throaty Egyptian barking timbre. He is one of only two luthiers offering an adjustable neck/action height, Fadi Matta being the other. This allows you
to optimize the action to taste, and avoid neck jobs as the instrument settles. I have one of his Model 1s and have played several others. I think
Sukar will be quite highly ranked in coming years. I recognize his ouds on various concert photos and videos, though I'm not much into "who plays
You can make out the timbre:
Web site:
Khalaf (apparently known as Jameel Abraham around here) is American, a relative newcomer, but he has admirers all over. The timbre of even his first
ouds is impressive, very rich, in many ways remind me of Faruk's
Web site:
Peter Rafela plays his ouds Edward Powell - 5-8-2010 at 01:41 AM
GReat Thanks!
Unfortunately I don't have download capacity where I am now staying so I can't check those clips..... But I will be doing that ASAP!
tHANKS!sabbassi - 5-8-2010 at 12:49 PM
Wha tabout me?
just kidding...I can't compare myself with great masters like Ghadban, Sukar etc.... I was surprised to see myself on the list. Making ouds is only a
hobby I practice at night and in the weekends. although I do myself some researches to create better oud with better sound with different kind of
woods etc.
To answer your question,
I'm Samir Abbassi, I live in Holland and love playing oud, the Arabic old school, Kalthoum, Farid Abdelwahab etc....
you can see a picture of mine here: second from the right:
You should have mentioned, that you have learned building ouds from your friend Khalid Belhaiba in Morocco. I think, this is not unimportant and more an advantage than a downside
I was surprised to see myself on the list.
No reason to be surprised
You documented several building processes here in the forum, so you got noticed by many. And you documented by videos, that your ouds have a very good
So no wonder, that you got recognized as a luthier, hobbyist or not, what counts is the result. And you as a hobbyist have a great advantage over the
professional luthiers ... the price.
Many people can't afford a Ghadban or Türünz oud.
PS: A further advantage of yours is, that you're located in Central Europe ... we don't have many oud luthiers here.fernandraynaud - 5-9-2010 at 01:52 AM
Having listened to a lot of bad recordings, I'm starting to be able to separate at least in some cases, the recording from the oud. But I can't be
sure. And of course there are preferences, personally I don't care for the tight Iraqi floating bridge sound.
But I wonder who else agrees: the best-sounding ouds overall to my ears, more than any other, are those by Jameel Abraham Khalaf as he's called. Like
That reminds me of something I read once, a really good player was playing a guitar and someone said "wow, that guitar sounds really good" so the
player put the guitar down and said "now how does it sound?"Luttgutt - 5-9-2010 at 03:18 AM
That reminds me of something I read once, a really good player was playing a guitar and someone said "wow, that guitar sounds really good" so the
player put the guitar down and said "now how does it sound?"
Hehe... you made my day lol
No seriously, I wrote long ago on this forum that I think Jameel is (inspite of the favt that he has only built 5 ouds!) is a remarkable luthier (I am
not going to use terms as best, etc... )
And, if I remember well, I wrote it in response to somebody writing that FT was the best in the world
But there are so many other good luthiers... and ouds are individuales (so are our ears )
My top favorits are (not in any order)
Dimitris, Sukar (his custom made ouds, of course), Ghadban, Khalaf (only if he produces more ), Mansour (I know that he was sick. And I hope he will continue making ouds)
p.s. My 7-course Sukar is, to me, the best sounding oud I have ever played or heard. And I can promise you that I have played many
Sazi - 5-9-2010 at 04:14 AM
Just thought I'd mention my favorite maker @ the moment, Dr. Ali Hassan! Also a member of this forum, describes himself as "just a hobbyist" though
I'm sure some of his prestigious satisfied customers will change that! Not been making ouds long but studied and worked hard at it, and is very
knowledgable on the various factors that determine almost exactly what an oud will sound like and how it will respond once it is finished.
Here he tried for a Bashir sound... and I think he succeeded admirably! ( My favorite! )
Impossible to list all good makers. But I listed those who I have tried and liked best.
Have not tried a Ali oud yet... but I hope I'll be able to get one soon
p.s. I have not tried Jameel oud either. But I listed him because it is difficult not to admire his work, espetially knowing that he has only produced
5 ouds so far!!!!!