Hi folks
Do you know if I can use pyramid strings (turkish 58-60 cm string lenght) in my Samir Azar (58,5cm string lenght) and tune it FADgcf???
Is it better than pyramid arabic strings (60-62 string lenght)??
thanks in advancefadel - 6-7-2010 at 07:59 AM
is your oud bashir stayl
i us pyramid lut string for this tun ff cc gg dd cc F
fadel michoud - 6-7-2010 at 02:29 PM
Yes Fadel my Samir Azar is Bashir style
I need to change the strings, and I want to try different strings until I´ll find the best kind for me.
So I don´t know what to do...Matthias - 6-8-2010 at 12:54 AM
Hi folks
Do you know if I can use pyramid strings (turkish 58-60 cm string lenght) in my Samir Azar (58,5cm string lenght) and tune it FADgcf???
Is it better than pyramid arabic strings (60-62 string lenght)??
thanks in advance
Hello Michoud,
for each half note you change the tuning you will raise the tension for about 0.3 Kg. Therefore if the set is calculated for a fixed bridge with about
3.5 Kg each you come to a tension of 4.4 Kg which is at the upper limit I mean. If you tell me the number of the string set you want to use, I can
tell you more.
By the way, did you find my collection of strings sets which you can download from my website ( lutes-strings.de ). Have a look inside there and you
will find a lot of good solutions.
Best Matthias
fadel - 6-8-2010 at 03:29 AM
I us pyramid lut string for my bashir oud it is to good