mrkmni - 6-12-2010 at 06:14 AM
Few days ago I tuned my new Sukar Oud with:
G AA DD gg cc ff . I know Fernand would not be happy, because the strings are standard ones that came with the oud. They are not supposed to support
the tension. I had a problem with the G; it does not tune at all (Scale =60.5cm).
So, today I played this piece, I hope it pleases you.
Please your opinion is requested especially for the little composition or improvisation made by me between the Capress, not complete however, and the
Lounga. Smarty pants are welcomed.
Attachment: Longa Riadh GAADDggccff.mp3 (810kB)
This file has been downloaded 249 times
mrkmni - 6-12-2010 at 06:21 AM
Same file for more realistic sound 96 kps, the other is 24 Kps.
Here it is:
fadel - 6-12-2010 at 01:48 PM
nice longa you are good work
mrkmni - 6-13-2010 at 07:23 AM
thanks fadel
fernandraynaud - 6-13-2010 at 10:05 AM
I like this piece very much, both the ideas and the playing. I'm happy.
As to the tuning, no idea what strings you really have, and I think you said the oud was not played for a long time, but I think it does sound tighter
than a typical oud. It's an interesting sound. Maybe it's what is called a "swan's song"
I don't see a problem tuning this oud to Turkish, but f tuning is crazy. If this is the common 3/3 nylon copper Sukar factory string set, the problem
is not the strings, the strings can be inexpensively replaced, and should be, but that the 4th, 5th and 6th courses are pulling very hard on the
bridge. If that bottom string is a 0.046" and you have it stretched up to G, you are likely pulling well over 8 kg. These calculations are for a 600
mm scale, and based on D'Addario strings:
Tuned to c their 0.021" nylon 1st course is at 2.3kg, at f it's around 4 kg
Tuned to g their 0.029" nylon 2nd course is at 2.4 kg, at c it's around 4.3 kg
Tuned to d their 0.034" nylon 3rd course is under 2 kg, at g it's around 3.3 kg
Tuned to A, their 0.026" wound 4th course is at 3 kg, at B it's 3.8 Kg, at D it's around 5.5 kg.
Tuned to F, their 0.032" wound 5th course is at 3 kg, at A it's around 5 kg
Tuned to C, their 0.046" wound 6th course is at 4 kg, at G it's around 9 kg
The problem as you see is the wound strings. My Model 1 even came with a 0.050" Bamm. If you pulled a .050" string up to G, you are close to 11 Kg. I
would be surprised if it were tunable. I pulled some copper factory strings over 5 kg by mistake once, and the windings broke.
All in all, you might be at almost double normal tensions, damn the strings, but I hope your oud is up to it. Considering how delicate an equilibrium
an oud operates under, and the cases of unglued bridges we have heard of, I can imagine all sorts of consequences you don't want. I can understand
abusing an "Oud Adani", but a like-new Sukar? If you like that high sound, get a Saz, or a Balalaika
mrkmni - 6-13-2010 at 05:28 PM
I found Addario oud strings in Montreal with $12, but I am going to command Mari strings
yes the strings are new and shown here
Thanks Fernand
fernandraynaud - 6-13-2010 at 07:34 PM
De nada, mrkmni. Looking at your photo
... I would say that Bamm string is a 0.050", at least a 0.046", not a 0.043". Perhaps you should order those Maris (w/ ff "mumtaz" course 0) and
record your f-tuned pieces after they arrive. There are enough stories of unbridged ouds. None as dramatic, of course, as an imploding 8 foot
harpsichord. The one I loved was that of a late 1970s Flemish 2 course harpsichord, put together with (creeping) aliphatic resin carpentry glue. 106
strings. In the middle of the night. 15 years .. creep ... 15 years .. cccreep ... cc.. ccc ... CRRRRRASHHHHHH !
mrkmni - 6-15-2010 at 02:22 PM
Inshallah asap the Mari strings because I am moving and I need them to come to my new adress....I have already paypal account.
But now I am not afraid about my bridge or my strings...
good news, the buzzzz in disappering steadily, we may not know what was the exact cause of it...
fernandraynaud - 6-16-2010 at 07:55 PM
I wish I could undestand what you mean. Inshallah playing that Sukar tuned up doesnt wake you up with a CRACK! So, have you ordered
the Mari strings? Bill Ostrie will send them to you wherever.
Anyway I just spent a long time trying to tune the factory copper "three dungpiles" brand Bamm string on a Sukar and I must say that some of them are
SO bad they don't even need to be abused to be untunable. Anybody trying out an instrument with factory strings can't possibly want it!
fernandraynaud - 6-17-2010 at 03:28 PM
Mrkmni, I just found something on a Sukar M1 that had the original copper 0.050" bamm string, tuned to C. It's showing the first signs of "spooning",
or soundboard distortion, on the side with that string. This is because that string is very "heavy", even tuned to C, and the excess tension pulls the
bridge down. So this is no longer theory. I can guarantee that if you keep that bass string tuned higher, like to G, even if the bridge doesn't fly
off, it will (gradually) damage the oud. If you keep that whole miserable factory set pulled up to f tuning, you're going to be lighting a fire or (at
best) eating yoghurt with that oud
mrkmni - 6-18-2010 at 03:31 AM
Dear Fernand,
Do not worry,the oud is fine... No, I did not ordered the mari strings yet, I am moving from my appt. That why I said ASAP (as soon as possible). I am
going, ofcourse, to order the Mumtaz ff string; I liked the bell sound of it...
I will let you know.