ICE88 - 10-31-2010 at 08:16 AM
I'm thinking about getting new pegs for my oud but not clear on what to get. Should I be searching for specific types of pegs or does it not matter?
Or is there a certain type peg that I should stay away from? My last question is, do I need to do any type of cutting or fitting when i receive my
Peyman - 10-31-2010 at 03:43 PM
In my opinion, it's better to use viola pegs rather than violin pegs. They got long shafts and you can cut the excess as needed. Also, I think
rosewood is better than ebony. Rosewood has natural oils. Ebony is very hard and wears the walls of the pegbox faster (relatively speaking). I've
broken ebony pegs while shaving them in a pegshaver. They're more unforgiving. You'll need a pegshaver and a reamer if the pegholes don't fit. The
fitting topic has been covered in the projects section of these forums a few times.
ICE88 - 10-31-2010 at 04:45 PM
What's your opinion on olive wood? This is where I'm thinking of buying my pegs . Now that you have suggested viola pegs I might go with those.
Peyman - 10-31-2010 at 07:59 PM
I've never used them. I've only used ebony, rosewood, and maple so far. Maybe someone else can give their opinion about olive wood pegs.
Dr. Oud - 11-4-2010 at 10:52 AM
Just be sure that the pegs are harder than the peg box. If not, they will compress as you push them in, preventing the pegs from seating properly,
resulting in the peg slipping. Olive wood would work fine in a mahogany peg box, but may not in a maple, walnut or beech. You can test the relative
hardness by rubbing the two woods together and see which one gets depressed the most.