Mike's Oud Forums

My new Fathy Amin oud

charlie oud - 12-3-2010 at 06:07 AM

Hello to All, from a snow covered England :wavey:
Here is a ray of sunshine. She plays so wonderfully, with a warm classic Egyptian sound. I am so delighted with this oud. I had become very attached to my Sukar but have to say this oud by Egyptian Grand Master Fathy Amin is a class apart. Specs: string length 60cm
action at join 2.2mm
strings Pyramid orange label 5
course FF AA dd gg cc

Sound clip? someday, I promise but take it from me. Its lovely.
Makes me well happy to have such an excellent sound with superb playability. An inspiration well beyond my expectations, cant keep my hands off her !!!!. Enjoy pics

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Danielo - 12-3-2010 at 08:51 AM

Congratulations Charlie for this great looking oud :xtreme:

Enjoy it as much as possible :)

We're waiting for the soundfile !

Abusaid - 12-3-2010 at 09:07 AM

Congratulations, enjoy it in good health.

Is the oud made by Mr. Fathi or by his son Sayed?

Best wishes

rex2009 - 12-4-2010 at 12:53 AM

Lovely and stunning looking oud Charlie .:bounce: No wonder you are so happy. I blame the weather for not seeing and holding this beauty last weekend. Play it in good health. See you soon.

Alnoud85 - 12-4-2010 at 03:49 AM

I see another lovely oud made its way over to the UK:applause:. Congratulations Charlie, Its a shame you couldnt get to Skipton last week it was a really cool day thanx to Tarig and even the snow could stop me, Awad and Kelly getting to the Nahat :)), I cant wait for the next meet to see this new addition to the gang in action.

Play in good health, see you soon


Ararat66 - 12-4-2010 at 05:32 AM

Hi Charlie ..

... from slushy Portsmouth today. Lovely oud, glad its now official on the big forum :airguitar:, can't wait to meet up again. Is it changing th way you play - a good responsive instrument can eally blow away musical cobwebs I find.

Hi Yassir, I was chatting to Kelly the other day and look forward to meeting you also ... hopefully soon - love your playing btw.



charlie oud - 12-4-2010 at 06:29 AM

Thank you all for your congratulations and responses. Abusaid, the oud is by Fathy though I believe his son Sayeed makes good ones too.
Leon, yes, it is opening up choice for me, making me explore more both musically and with technique.
Look forward to next UK meet.
If anyone has pictures of the meet(s) then I'm sure many on the forum would like to see them. (new thread may be?).
This forum has done, and continues to do, a great service the oud world. I feel forever indebted to Mike, I would never have met other players, found out so much, and studied so hard without the help and company of this forum's community.

abusin - 12-4-2010 at 07:17 AM

Hi Charlie,

Congrats again my friend, hope to see it and try it soon

Sam - 12-5-2010 at 12:11 PM

Mosaic wood for the top.. Hmmmm.

Congrats Anyway :)

bibo10 - 12-5-2010 at 04:13 PM

congrats mate, play it in good health. would love to hear it however.
i own a fathi amin myself, quality ouds. I love it.
I was wondering where did u get it from?

charlie oud - 12-7-2010 at 05:20 AM

Thanks Michael, I bought in London. The seller ( a forum member ) brought it back from Egypt having chose and collected it from Fathy Amin personally. Hope you continue to enjoy yours!!! :)

Sam, do you feel there is something wrong with mosaic wood? :shrug: