TheCuddlyDevil - 1-10-2011 at 08:55 AM
I'm a Saudi residing in Jeddah, and I love Western Music, but delving into the mystic depths of Arabic music really excites me now!
Anyway, I would like to edit my synth's parameters so that I can play maqams on it (it's a Roland Juno Di), and I have the option of editing each
key's "cents". Now, I realize that to lower an E to an E half-flat I would need to edit its value from 0 to -50, but do I want such a fixed value?
Some notes:
I can edit up to 64 or -64
The manual cites som examples of Arabic notes and there are variances, such as 53 and -49. I think komas play a role
If anyone can help me with the exact valuesI should place I would deeply appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.