fernandraynaud - 6-24-2012 at 04:47 AM
I stumbled on this web site, and in particular on this artist, whose songs all feature a lot of oud playing:
Giorgioud - 6-24-2012 at 09:34 AM
Great site man, thanks for sharing! I love Somali oudism. One of my favourites, and a big inspiration. Allow me to reciprocate with a video of Hudeydi
(Mohammad Ismaeeli), the "eminence gris" of the London Somali musicians....he has an interesting history, horrified his family when he was a teen for
wanting to be a "fana" (artist), been kicked out of Somalia and Djibouti by the French for activism, wound up in London where he became a pillar of
the Somali community, and started recording, touring and teaching the oud, all at the tender age of 80 or thereabout.....