Overall, the older instruments are a lottery. IMHO ouds are on the whole better made nowadays by the educated luthiers like Faruk Turunz, Fadi Matta,
and others. The legendary rare old ouds are rare indeed, and there are many forgeries of the instruments of the most famous makers of old, like Manol.
In the oud world, 1970 is old. A handful survive from the early twentieth century. If you are not an expert, this is risky stuff, and if you cannot
actually play and touch the instrument, it's not likely to lead to satisfaction.
I would humbly suggest you buy a new instrument from one of the smart modern luthiers. Faruk Turunz sells his basic model at $1000. Fadi Matta will
make you a fantastic oud for a bit more. Maurice Shehata in Egypt turns out very well made ouds for less. Fathy Amin in Egypt turns out many exquisite
instruments. Sukars are simple in appearance but very predictable. I would leave the old ones to people who can tell a stradivarius from firewood.