There is no need to sacrifice the rose.The rose is usually glued with hide glue which can be softened with warm water. Apply some warm water around
the perimeter of the glue joint with a small brush. Next work a thin knife into the glue joint and around the perimeter. I use a thin artist's palette
knife you can find at hobby or art supply stores. Get the one that is bent so you don't damage the opposite side you are working on. Inset the knife
carefully at one of the edges between the top and bottom and work it around the perimeter adding warm water as you go. At the top, bottom and both
side edges there will be braces and the knife will only go in a short distance, so don't push too far, the edge should be about 5-10mm/1/8 - 1/4 inch
wide. When the rose drops into the oud, you can tape it down to the inside to keep it from getting more damaged. To re-glue the rose, first sand the
glue joint smooth on both the face inside and the rose edge. Apply some hide glue to the face inside and to the edge of the rose. Tie the rose to some
sticks around the perimeter with enough slack to position the sticks on top of the face. Add some warm water around the perimeter, then pull the rose
up to the face with some small wedges or blocks. See - it's easy! |