Mike's Oud Forums

Mohammad Fadel oud For Sale

Moreno - 8-6-2012 at 05:14 AM

Oud for sale from the legendary oud maker Mohammad Fadel.

I bought it on February 1999 in Jordan, very good condition (Like New); being a Flamenco guitarist myself I bought it for love to the instrument, but never had the time to learn it properly.

I would prefer to sell it in England but I’ll be happy to send it insured anywhere at buyers expense.

02---Mohammad-Fadel---Oud.jpg - 75kB 03---Mohammad-Fadel---Oud.jpg - 60kB

01---Mohammad-Fadel---Oud.jpg - 49kB

04---Mohammad-Fadel---Oud.jpg - 64kB 05---Mohammad-Fadel---Oud.jpg - 44kB

Greg - 8-6-2012 at 05:33 AM

Welcome to the forums, Moreno.

As a musician, you are probably aware that there are many fake Mohammad Fadel ouds for sale throughout the middle-east. For that reason, I would suggest you provide close-up photos of various aspects of this oud, including a good quality photo of the label. In that way, you will have a much better chance of selling the instrument (provided it is genuine).


Moreno - 8-6-2012 at 08:07 AM

Thank you Greg

I wanted to load more pictures but I couldn’t on my first post, I hope this one will get through with the pictures of the label.

04---Mohammad-Fadel---Oud.jpg - 64kB 05---Mohammad-Fadel---Oud.jpg - 44kB

zakiya_alali - 8-6-2012 at 10:41 AM

Hi there

can u plzzz u2u me the price without shipping


Moreno - 8-22-2012 at 02:52 AM

The Price is £1475 negotiable.

For the UK I would be happy to meet half way or share the cost of delivery.

hama - 8-27-2012 at 02:31 AM

Hello Moreno,
can you load a sound sample please . I might be interested

hama - 8-27-2012 at 02:32 AM

Hello Moreno,
can you load a sound sample please . I might be interested

Moreno - 8-27-2012 at 07:33 AM

Hi Hama, I would if I knew how to play it properly, but I have a friend who plays Oud and I’ll ask him to record a sample for me, it may take some time to do it though; I know he is quite busy.
If you live near Cambridge you may like to come and try it yourself.

hama - 8-27-2012 at 10:01 AM

Thanks Moreno, look forward to that , I dont leave near Cambridge but I work in Harlow:-)

Moreno - 8-27-2012 at 10:46 AM

Hi Hama, I have sent you an email to your hotmail, let me know if you did not get it. Harlow is not too far from me.

Moreno - 8-30-2012 at 04:27 AM

OK here is an improvisation recording I did so you can listen to the quality of the Oud, Please bear with me I am not an oud player myself, but I love this instrument.
