Mike's Oud Forums

New Band - New Album

mavrothis - 9-27-2012 at 08:31 PM

Hi guys,

I'm currently working on a new album of all original music and lyrics with my new band, Mild Mannered Rebel.

The sound is a mix of Greek, Middle Eastern and Rock, and some of the songs are over 10 years old, while others I just wrote a few weeks ago. This is really exciting for me b/c this is the most personal and honest I've ever been musically, so I hope you'll check it out.

If you're interested in learning more about the album, the musicians and instruments involved, and also might like to become a part of the project by helping us raise some much-needed funds, take a look and a listen here:


I'll be updating the page pretty regularly, and I think you'll dig the thank you gifts we have waiting for you.

Either way, thanks for checking this out, and for spreading the word!

Take care,


MatthewW - 9-28-2012 at 01:38 AM

Hello Mav- congratulations on the new album project. The oud playing in the background of the link you gave - it is recorded very well, and the playing flows very smoothly, a real mark of excellence.. :airguitar:
May I ask how the name Mild Mannered Rebel came about?

all the best with the CD, MW

fadel - 9-28-2012 at 02:16 AM


good my friend

nice work


mavrothis - 9-28-2012 at 08:20 AM

Thanks guys, you are very kind.

The story behind the band name is simple and complicated at the same time...

It has to do with a lot of things, but one main inspiration is the struggle between learning and loving a very rich (and bottomless) tradition while striving to be true to yourself as an individual.

As much as I love Udi Yorgo Batzanos, George Michel, Yiannis Papaioannou, etc, I was born and raised in a different place and time.

That's part of it anyway... ;)

Mehran - 9-29-2012 at 03:04 AM

I've got those tunes from the indiegogo site stuck in my head now....not great when your trying to study for your finals and all you can think about is outi!!!

Ararat66 - 9-29-2012 at 05:23 AM

Good luck Mav - keep us updated as to the album - sounds fantastic so far, and great to hear oud and contemporary song together like this.


mavrothis - 9-29-2012 at 05:45 AM

Mehran, you just gave me the ultimate compliment! Thank you so much! Sorry for the distraction, I've been there, but probably it's better to study in a good mood than the alternative, right? :)

Leon, thank you, we'll see how far we can take this project.

We had a good opening day, if we can keep this up we will be in good shape. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far!

More videos are on the way...



mavrothis - 9-30-2012 at 08:44 PM


I was inspired today to write a song on my fretless electric guitar.

This will most likely be recorded in the studio as part of the upcoming album, but I uploaded a rough and abbreviated version to youtube to give folks an idea of the different directions we're going with this album.

I hope you enjoy it: Dancing in my dreams



mavrothis - 10-16-2012 at 03:44 PM

Hey Everyone,

Just want to remind you that our campaign for my new band's debut album, Ear to the Sky, is nearly over.

We have only 9 days left, and need to raise a lot more to reach our goal.

Please visit our page, and if you like what you see and hear, consider becoming a part of this project with a contribution that feels right to you.


Every contribution helps.

If at the very least you think you'd like to have the album, consider pre-buying a copy, whether it's a physical CD or electronic download.

Any amount will really help us stay afloat with this project.

And if you've ever felt that the oudcafe has been helpful to you in your study of the oud and makam, I would really appreciate your support with this upcoming album.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.



mavrothis - 10-22-2012 at 09:23 AM

Only a few days left guys.


Anyone here interested in lessons, whether in person or online, can book one with me for $60 (my regular fee) plus a perk of your choice: 1 Digital Album + Sticker OR 1 Mild Mannered Rebel Poster

Just follow the link above and select the $60 level of funding and let me know what you'd like (the package listed on the campaign, or the lesson plus one of the perks above).

Also, anyone who is interested in pre-purchasing the album, it would really help us out.

Thank you,


mavrothis - 10-26-2012 at 08:00 AM

Thanks to everyone who helped with the album fundraiser!

I really appreciate it, and hope you'll like the music!

Thanks again,
