Mike's Oud Forums

Nühüft Peşrev Darbeyn sheet music

Mehran - 11-20-2012 at 04:15 PM

Anybody have the sheet music for this piece of music?


Never heard this maqam before but it is fantastic sounding!

Many thanks

adamgood - 11-21-2012 at 06:36 AM

This isn't very helpful but...I have a feeling there's notation for it in a book I have no idea what the name is. It's in German, has lots of old old old pieces. Maybe it's a Cantemir collection?

The piece in the video sounds a bit different than:


I don't know much about this makam but from the Osman Bey piece, Nuhuft is looking like makam Yegah for a long time which starts like makam Neva and ends on Yegah but Nuhuft ploughs on through, ending like Huseyni Asiran.

Thanks for sharing the vid. I met Christian Moser in Istanbul a few years ago...Christian, you out there?


Mehran - 11-22-2012 at 07:18 AM

Hi Adam,

Thanks for the info. Your website is my go to place for pieces I'm looking to find. It usually find most things on it, so thanks for putting it out there!

Ill send a PM to the poster on youtube in case they know anything else.

Thanks again.


adamgood - 11-22-2012 at 08:03 AM

Mehran thank you I'm happy you find the site useful, wish I had more of a chance to make updates etc.

The youtube username looks like it's from Christian (udihristo) so i'm sure if you get in touch he'll get back to you. He's a very very nice guy (that's him playing on the left). Let me know if you hear from him!


Jono Oud N.Z - 11-22-2012 at 09:11 PM


It is in the Owen Wright Cantemir book


I will transpose it soon, cool piece:)