Mike's Oud Forums

Nihavend Şarkı, "Eve Dönüş" Arabic/Western "Concert" Pitch Score

John Erlich - 3-26-2015 at 03:42 PM

I am posting a score for Nihavend Şarkı, "Eve Dönüş." The notation is in Arabic/Western "concert" pitch in C (Do) Nahawand.

Here is Burhan Öçal's recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y59aUkUQixo

I am not 100% sure that "Eve Dönüş." is the correct name for this piece, because I found only a couple references to the piece on the internet and only 2 recordings on YouTube. Typically, you can easily find multiple recordings and notları (scores) of any signficant Turkish classical or folk song. And this is a lovely song...

Many thanks to my friend Yossi Chay for the transcription!

Peace out,
Udi John

John Erlich - 3-28-2015 at 08:55 PM

Here is another version of the same melody, here called "Fatma," from Egyptian composer Omar Khairat:
