Mike's Oud Forums

Huzzam samai

Lysander - 5-2-2015 at 04:54 AM

I have been given a samai to learn by my oud teacher. Finally I have been able to identify it as this one [attached]. I think it is by Haydar.

Does anyone have a recording of this? It is my first attempt at anything like segah/huzzam. Should be fun. Any advice for playing this would be greatly appreciated.


Jono Oud N.Z - 5-2-2015 at 02:52 PM


This is a really nice piece.

Here is a good version of it:


There is an easier to read score in here in regular key:


page 140

adamgood - 5-3-2015 at 04:43 AM

Looks like the Huzzam from Targan:


Very nice piece

Lysander - 5-3-2015 at 05:44 AM

Great, thank you both very much. On paper the key of this huzzam looks strange, but I am not used to non-diatonic keys. This will be interesting to practise.

adamgood - 5-3-2015 at 05:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lysander  
Great, thank you both very much. On paper the key of this huzzam looks strange, but I am not used to non-diatonic keys. This will be interesting to practise.

Lysander, this is (almost) standard Turkish notation. I say almost because the accidentals look a little funny but otherwise the pitch locations are standard for Turkish.