freya - 5-15-2015 at 11:31 AM
I wonder if anyone might be able to provide a pointer to some sort of educational material (in English or French) covering the Hamparsum notation
system. I have looked around a bit on the web and not (yet) found anything too helpful.
Many thanks,
Microber - 5-15-2015 at 01:07 PM
Hello Freya,
I thought I had something that I downloaded a long time ago, but but it wasn't Hamparsum but Byzantine notation. Sorry.
But I've found this, maybe you have it already
Anyway if you (or anyone else) are interested in the documents I have, simply ask me.
I have a 44p. pdf called Margaziotis, entirely in Greek with english annotation.
The second is a 611p pdf called "Vespers as chanted on the Holy Mountain". It is in English.
freya - 5-15-2015 at 01:32 PM
Thank you. I've sent a request to Jacob Olley. Will inform about the results.
hartun - 5-26-2015 at 12:18 PM
Hi Harry this is Harry This is the basic info. I may be able to get more info in
which case I will further post it.
hartun - 5-26-2015 at 12:19 PM
hartun - 5-26-2015 at 12:22 PM
sry don't know why the link didn't work the first time. it is the first image that comes up in google search it has the turkish and european names of
the notes represented by the hamparsum notation. each symbol represents a different note basically of the rast scale, if I remember correctly. then
there are symbols for sharps and flats. I don't remember how semitones exactly were handled.
hartun - 5-26-2015 at 12:34 PM
of course the note segah is already a microtone lower than Western note B (or whatever you are transposing to)
freya - 5-30-2015 at 04:04 PM
Thank you Hartun,
I am specifically looking for Armenian (monodic) sacred music written in Hamparsum notation (ideally "Lord Have Mercy"). There are a number of
Armenian churches in the Boston area and I will be in touch with them to see if they can assist. Thank you for the pointer - it was more than I have
found by myself. was also pretty helpful once I used google translate to get me to the point where I could install the hamparsum doc
Best regards