Mike's Oud Forums

Jody Stecher old time fiddle

bulerias1981 - 7-5-2015 at 04:44 PM

So this old time fiddler guy (old country music from the south of the U.S.A) stops in my shop with a magazine called "Fiddler Magazine" And on the cover is someone who frequents this forum very much.. Jody is famous and musically very eclectic!

abc123xyz - 7-5-2015 at 06:58 PM

Yes indeed!

He has trained even in Indian classical music besides all manners of American music and who knows what all else musical.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jody_Stecher .


Jody Stecher - 7-6-2015 at 06:40 AM

One reason I love this forum is that here I can be a student, a learner. I can also give advice and information if I happen to know something about the topic, but mostly I am here to learn. I love being a student of the oud and *not* an expert player.


catty - 7-8-2015 at 07:05 PM

I hope it's not too presumptuous of me to speak, that -Jody was among my first inspirations in studying and playing American old-timey music. About 15 years ago I discovered "folk music" - old-timey style banjo, mandolin and fiddle (after decades of flamenco toque study), and listened to Jody's music (and with his partner Kate) on CDs for years - sang the songs with my wife.. Jody's renditions were my first entrée into the Carter Family, and then others like Boggs, Holcomb, Watson, other pickers, more bluesmen, more American rural blues and folk... Thanks Jody - my furlough through folk eventually landed me studying medieval repertoire and tunes on clarsach, cajun fiddling, bal-musette accordion, jelly roll on plectrum banjo, and of course... oud :)