rojaros - 10-1-2015 at 08:35 AM
Large Diaphragm Condenser Shootout for Oud
In this test I compare 6 different LDC Microphones via ZEN preamps. All takes are recorded simultaneously, and though this certainlyis not a
scientific research, you get an idea how different they sound.
The Oud is the seven course Oud made by the famous luthier Sebastian Stenzel
All files were recorded mono to 96kHz/24bit at the same amplififcation factor, normalized to -1dB and bounced as two channel mono to disc at
No other processes are applied.
I should also mention that take 7 is an outsider, it was taken with a dedicated sterei SDC microphone, so that one can hear the differences between
these two species.
Jody Stecher - 10-1-2015 at 09:31 AM
I like #3 the best. #7 does better on the lower strings but also emphasizes the percussive aspect of the risha striking the strings perhaps more than
ideally …although it is possibly accurate.
I like #1 the least.
I like #3 because it presents more tone color and I found myself attracted to the oud sound, drawn in to the beauty of the sound. Several of the
others were too "cold" or "clinical". I hope this makes sense.
gkhouri - 10-1-2015 at 03:25 PM
I agree with Jody on #3. It has a warmth which I don't hear in the others.
#5 is the next most interesting to me.
Is the track and mic model pairing information forthcoming?
Thanks for posting this comparison.
rojaros - 10-1-2015 at 10:33 PM
Thanks a lot for your comments. The results are intersting, and I would appreciate very much if more critical listeners would give their vote
But yes, I will reveal the mics involved and their sequence soon.
luan - 4-10-2019 at 09:13 PM
And the mics were never revealed haha...
rojaros - 4-11-2019 at 07:25 AM
I'm so sorry ...
Here we go:
1st mic: BPM CR-95 (cardioid)
2d mic: Lewitt LCT 940 (fully tube mode /cardioid)
3d mic: Lewitt LCT 550
4th mic: Fame C01 (FET)
5th mic Rode NT1A
6th mic Neumann TLM 103
The stereo SDC was Superlux S502 ORTF
luan - 4-11-2019 at 05:21 PM
Thank you!
MattOud - 4-11-2019 at 07:30 PM
6 is nice as well...also...a pleasure to listen to your playing!
rojaros - 4-11-2019 at 09:24 PM
Thanks! The #2 is the most expensive in the field, #4 the cheapest by far, followed by #5. Especially for Rode there are impressive replacement old
Neumann style capsules at around 250$ transforming it into a very quiet mic performing somwhere in the U87 league.
Yes, #3 performs also very impressively. Unfortunately it has been discontinued and replaced by a new model of a slightly more aggressive appearance
(Lewitt LCT 540 S). I don't know how it compares to the old LTC 550 soundwise; it is supposed to be extremely quiet (as is Rode NT-1A and Rode NT-1).
Good sound paired with quiet performance is a great asset for all low volume instruments like Oud, luthe and classical guitar.
MattOud - 4-12-2019 at 07:45 AM
I should mention that my selection is based on what I am listening to the test through currently, which is a JBL extreme. If we wanted a real
subjective opinion, I could boot up my main recording PC and listen through my studio headphones, which would again be subjective based on my
But through the JBL speakers, 6 is best sounding to my ears, then 3, then 1, etc...
On another note, my kids are home today(home schooling day) and we are listening to your soundcloud continuously. REALLY beautiful classical guitar. I
am currently listening to Refined Guitar Test 3.1.15. They all sound great via the JBL
rojaros - 4-13-2019 at 12:29 AM
Thanks for your comments, Matt.
As far as microphones go, I think the best ones are those that detract least from just the music. In that way the Lewitt is quite neutral. Neumann
often sounds kind of 'too big', though it's cetainly a great mic.
The BPM (#1) I have already sold, because the brought too much of themselves into the recording. My Rodes NT-1A are now fitted with Neumann U87 type
capsules made by Microphone Parts ( ), and though they double the price of the mic, they improve it threefold. The electronics of the Rode NT1A is excellent, very quiet and linear; the
capsules are very much on the bright side, so this mod (very easy to excute) is well worth it.
I should make a new test some time