The sharp edges of your body will make this oud uncomfortable to hold and play. Go to a guitar store and study the shape of the edges of electric
guitars. You'll find that most are asymmetrical.
The laminated body/w cutouts is detrimental to resonance of the body. Electric instruments need a resonant solid body to enhance volume, sustain and
tonal affect. This is one difference between $100 and $1,000 guitars. Forget how much it weighs, often a heavy body sounds best. Electric bodies are
made with ash, mahogany or maple, just be sure the body sounds a tone when you tap it. If it sounds like a thud, it is no good. Most of the open
cutout/laminated body electric ouds have poor tone because of ignorance of this fact. Unfortunately this style of laminated open body seems to have
established itself as the standard. It is just wrong. Do you see any electric guilars made this way? I think not one.
I see you are using a pre-amp, good. I assume you are also using a saddle transducer, very good. Yes the neck is way too thick.
The position of the tuning pegs will be awkward to tune while holding the oud, move them to the back.
Your workmanship looks good, but you need to apply some basic electric instrument principles for tone, volume, sustain and play-ability.