Mike's Oud Forums

Ultimate MultiOud

majnuunNavid - 5-13-2016 at 11:15 PM

As you may know, many people complain they cannot get a decent sound on the Godin MultiOud.

I'm currently working on an program (in eBook format) that will tackle this issue and provide sound profiles to create sounds of different Ouds.

In addition, I will add info on:

-how to set it up for Arabic and Turkish tuning
-tuning and strings, specifically how to tune it for a particular sound
-what gear to use with it
-chord positions
-how to hold the risha, and change positions that affect the tone

Would this be something you would be interested in? Any suggestions on how this could be improved?


neviditsin - 6-12-2016 at 07:51 AM

Its for Ambiance?

majnuunNavid - 6-12-2016 at 10:31 PM

I am using the Ambiance to develop this program, but I try to include settings that use only the bridge pickup which the Encore uses. I am trying to factor in Encore users in this as well.