bugaga - 9-16-2016 at 02:50 AM
The Hisar in Nihavend is a little confusing to me. The Notes given in Makam Nihavend according to Murat Ayemir and several others are:
Rast, Dügah, Kürdi, Çargah, Neva, Hisar, Acem, Gerdaniye
But actually whenever Nihavend uses Acem it uses Nim Hisar. Hisar is only used when Nihavend is going up with Eviç. So is it the theorists making a
mistake or am I completely puzzled?
Brian Prunka - 9-16-2016 at 04:46 AM
You are correct. I suspect the theorists are using "hisar" generally to encompass both variants.
Even the makam Hisar actually uses nim Hisar, not "Hisar" proper, which makes me suspect the the names originally included microtonal variation and
the equal division of the octave was a later attempt to systematize things.
bugaga - 9-16-2016 at 05:11 AM
Same for Hicaz, at least in notation. Some play it more like Hicaz, some Nim Hicaz.
Maybe earlier it was more usual to play Hisar in Nihavend and Hicaz in Hicaz, but when in came to notation things changed.
Whatever. I just hope one day there will be books telling it right. These things can lead to unnecessary discussions and more than once I've been in
the situation upsetting teachers/lectureres by questioning what the masters had written down. But everywhere some mistakes can and will happen.
Thank you anyways for making this clear. It was a bug in my brain.