It may interest some of you, like Navid explained (thank you for the post !):
Andalusian oud (four course oud) are still exist in Maghreb (Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco) as many of you know. The name of this oud in Arabic is :
Oud Ramal, Oud 3arbi (Arabic oud), or oud Rouba3i (meaning four course Oud).
I Bring this information because the word 'ramal' means the string (G) [and it means also the rhythm in Poetry...]. Ramal Oud means «the oud that the
higher (important) string is Sol (G)», because the Andalusian oud was tuned in different ways :
- Dhil (Do), H’seen (La), maya (Ré) et Ramal (Sol), in this case, we call it Oud Ramal.
- Sometimes, it is tuned : sol si la ré, like in Tunisia (, called oud 3arby.
This oud was 'abounded' in Morocco starting at 1900 because Andalusian musicians preferred the Oriental oud (5 or 6 course), sounds more powerful..
until recently, Carlos Paniagua and omar Mtioui recreated it (
That means the instruments were named, in most cases, by their strings in the ancient time in all the large 'arabic-persian' region...