ChanningPDX - 11-12-2021 at 02:05 PM
I've decided to sell this very nice oud because I'm mostly focusing on playing Turkish oud these days and just not playing this one very much.
It has a walnut bowl, spruce top, 60 cm scale, gorgeous inlay work. Currently strung with LaBella Arabic strings in C-C tuning. Comes with a gig bag,
a case, and a risha.
I bought this a few months ago for $800 new. I'll sell it for $650 including shipping within N. America.
ChanningPDX - 12-1-2021 at 09:15 PM
Price reduced to $600 USD. Operators are standing by!
...But not for me, so send me a U2U if you're interested.
ChanningPDX - 12-26-2021 at 04:35 PM
OK, time for a special post-Christmas sale from Crazy Channing's Oriental Floor Covering and Gently-Used Oud Emporium.
$500 USD including shipping within N. America.
If you didn't get the oud you wanted from Santa's workshop, I'd be happy to help.
wordsfail - 12-26-2021 at 07:53 PM
Do you have more details? Who made this?
ChanningPDX - 12-27-2021 at 11:54 AM
The oud was made in Cairo by a young oud maker named Mohammed Ali Al Hegri, who goes by the name "Sam Ouds" on social media.
He regularly advertises his ouds for sale on the forum, and several forum members have bought ouds from him in the last couple of years, which is how
I found out about him.
The oud has a 60 cm scale and currently is tuned C-C with a set of LaBella Arabic strings, though I'd recommend stringing it with a custom set of
strings. Mustafa from has an oud from this maker as well and could advise some good string options.
If you're interested in buying and/or have any other questions, please send me a U2U. Thanks for your interest!
MattOud - 1-3-2022 at 06:32 AM
"Crazy Channing's Oriental Floor Covering and Gently-Used Oud Emporium"
Thanx for the good laugh! Nice looking OUD, and nice scale length and great price!
Someone will get a great deal!
ChanningPDX - 1-3-2022 at 10:39 AM
Aaaaand sold! Thanks to everyone for your interest.