Yes, this should be okay. Most commercially available sets for C tuning have the 5th course calibrated more for F# (splitting the diifference) or G
so that they can be tuned either way. This set is approximately calibrated for F# so the G is a little high and the F a tad low. So G is a little
high but not excessive on most ouds - if your oud is longer than 61cm I might recommend buying a lighter string for that course (D'addario .031in or
Generally, tuning one pair of strings a bit high or low is not cause for concern - the amount of tension to be concerned about is the total tension
for the set, and tuning one pair a step high just adds about 1 Kg of tension to a total tension that is 33-40Kg. If you tuned a string way high (like
a third or more) then that might add enough to worry about.
That aside - 98% of oud playing is on the top 4 courses, so there is relatively little concern over how you tune the 5th/6th courses. It's mainly a
convenience for having supportive low notes. Everything melodic that can be played with the string tuned G can be played with F as well, it's only
some things that you want a drone for that the low G really makes a difference. Most oud players will tune 5/6 up or dowmn depending on what they are
doing and simply adjust the few notes necessary.