I agree with Jody that this is not a great idea. Your pickguard is slightly closer to the bridge than I'd prefer, but it's in a normal range and is
where you should be picking.
Your position looks okay here, more or less, but this is nowhere near the soundhole. So I'm curious what it looks like when you play closer to the
soundhole. You are almost exactly in the middle of the pickguard here. You could easily move closer to the soundhole a bit and still be over the
pickguard. Your wrist is quite bent here, though partly because of how your arm is approaching the instrument.
The right hand has a lot of subtlety to it and it's very challenging to assess via video, much less a short video from only one angle. If you look at
videos of most oud players, you will find that their arm comes at the oud at a bit different angle than what you have here, which suggests to me that
there is something odd about your approach. It could be the orientation of the instrument to your body, the way you're holding the pick, or any
number of small things (or a combination).
A couple of things I can see: your oud seems too far over to your right. The soundhole should more or less rest over your right thigh. If you move
your oud a bit more to the left you may find your arm/hand positioning resolves itself. You definitely look quite tense and you are putting way too
much force and effort into the picking (though the general way you are picking looks good). Some amount of tension is to be expected any time you are
learning a new skill but you could benefit from trying to relax more and play a bit more lightly. It's possible if you shift the oud and find a
better balance, that you will be using less tension to hold it in place - the oud should require almost no effort to balance and hold, it should feel
like it's just resting in your arms.
I don't know who you're studying with or what course you're working through, but it really seems like you'd benefit from some actual lessons with a
teacher. In-person lessons are much faster for working through these issues but online lessons can work if a local teacher is not available.