Tulis - 5-28-2023 at 11:18 PM
Hello, I have Sukkar oud 60cm with Aquila strings.
I try to tuning, turn the key a little without effect on string. When i turn more the key, then the effect is more than the needed. The same result is
and for the counterclockwise turn.
So i am suffering to tuning, i can't find the right position.
I observed that the string crossed at the pegbox.
Can this make the trouble, or the contact at the nut needed any as lube ?
Jody Stecher - 5-29-2023 at 06:41 AM
If the pegs are turning smoothly I think the problem is probably at the nut. A few swipes in the nut grooves with an ordinary graphite pencil usually
solves the problem. If the pegs are not turning smoothly I recommend a product called Hill Peg Dope.
Tulis - 5-30-2023 at 10:26 PM
Thank you very much, i will try both.