Mike's Oud Forums

risha on classical guitar

billkilpatrick - 10-6-2005 at 01:36 PM

sacrilege ... i know, but has anyone ever played their guitar - assuming you have one - with a risha?

i'm trying it at the moment. holding the risha much like you would hold a pen seems to produce a better sound than the conventional way but i'd be interested to hear if anyone else has had a go at it.

regards - bill

amfuente - 10-6-2005 at 02:09 PM

I play my classical with risha sometimes. You can hear example in member sound clip forum under "Hijaz Guitar and Oud " post. The guitar is tuned CGADGC.

billkilpatrick - 10-6-2005 at 10:23 PM

excellent ... i'll try it with different tunings as well - thanks for posting the sound clip.

- bill