Mike's Oud Forums

Music on cassette

oudmad - 1-3-2006 at 09:06 PM

If anyone has the know-how and is able to answer my question in simple language (I'm no computer wiz!), I would greatly appreciate their help. I have some music on cassettes (including some oud stuff) that I want to add to my computer playlist and maybe later make a CD. How do I do it (if possible, without paying an arm and a leg!)? Thanks.

dubai244 - 1-3-2006 at 11:21 PM

Hi Oudmad,
I am no comupter Wiz too. But this is the way i do it:
1. I use normal tape player.
2. I use Wire, which i can connect the "HeadPhone hole" in the tape player to the "Mic hole" in the computer. (wire has same ends)
3. You should have Recorder Program in your Computer. personally i use "Creative" Recorder Software. (Brand name)
4. In your Computer, you have to go to " Volume Control" > Options> Properties> Recording ........... "Volume Control" will chane to "Wave In"
5. In "Wave In" panel, select "Mic Volume" and adjust it !
6. Finally, Play the Tape and recorde it by using "Creative Recorder"
Note: Do not use the recorder which is found in Micrsoft Windows, it can recorde just i think for 1 mintues max.
Creative software Can found in "Downloads.net or .com"
There is a Device called " PC Cassette" in want Very good Recording quality.
Send me back if you need any help.
Good Luck :wavey:

oudmad - 1-4-2006 at 05:53 AM

Thank you very much Dubai 244. Your instructions are clear enough and very helpful, even for me to understand! I will try to find a cassette player with an outlet and hopefully the right kind of wire. One more question: once the song is recorded, does the program you mention automatically convert to MP3 format? Again, thank you for taking time to help.

dubai244 - 1-4-2006 at 11:29 AM

Hi Oudmad,
Yes, it can. Actually, there is an option in this program which you can select the format you like to recorde the song(MP3, WVA.....etc). But can not convert it to another format. you need another program for that (MP3 Converter) or (Encoder).

palestine48 - 1-4-2006 at 11:42 PM

I think that cable is referred to as a "line in" cable, i got one with my mp3 player.