Mike's Oud Forums

My Arafati Barbat/Oud

arsalana - 3-30-2006 at 12:09 PM

Hello everyone, as some of you might easily be able to tell, I am a new member here... I'm not new to the community, I just never found the time or had the chance to sign up and join the conversations. Anyways... I am an Iranian music enthusiast, I don't call myself a musician, because I am not worthy enough to be called one, and I study Political Science, but I play a few Iranian instruments! My main instruments are the Tar (Long-necked plucked Persian Lute) and Tombak the (Goblet Persian Drum), and since I am a little familiar with the Iranian Radif and its Dastgahs, I thought I should maybe pick up an Oud or Barbat and try it out.

As I was browsing through here, I saw a few people posting pictures of their Ouds and sound files of them performing on them, I thought maybe it would be fun to do the same and share my little piece of the puzzle.

I purchased an Arafati Oud this past winter from Tehran, and the picture which you see here is of my Oud, same goes for the sound file.

I hope you like it! Feedback is way more than welcome as well!

Thank you

I apologize for the bad quality of the sound file, the forum rules don't allow me to upload files bigger than 1MB, and the original file exceeds the limits set forth here.

LeeVaris - 3-30-2006 at 01:17 PM

Wonderfull playing... the sound seems fine to me!

The photo looks more like an oud than a barbat - which is it? Very nice either way :applause:

arsalana - 3-30-2006 at 02:25 PM

Ohh I did edit that, but I don't know why the system didn't change it! and I'm sorry I am just used to the word Barbat, because in Iran we strongly believe that Barbat or Oud which we refer to here is an Iranian instrument and that its actual name is Barbat. Yes you are right, that does look a lot like a contemporary Oud, and in fact it could very easily qualify as an Oud, but in reality there isn't much difference in the name of Barbat or Oud, they are both the same instrument. I know... I might be saying controversial things here, but don't mind me... :D

And Thank you... you are kind...

Good player

sydney - 3-30-2006 at 03:51 PM


Thanks for sharing your oud photo and your playing sound file.

I honestly liked the way you set up your oud for the photo. Well represented and easy to notice.

Your playing is nice and gentle. Which I personally appreciate in oud playing - I dislike hard strumming when not required. You have also got a kind soul in this short sample. Thank you for sharing.

You will become a very good oud player in a short time - If you don't get drifted away into side matters.

Good luck

arsalana - 3-30-2006 at 05:35 PM

Thank you... you are all very kind, I appreciate that very much! And I try my best not to get side tracked. :) And I do a little bit of somewhat professional photography from time to time.

Iranian songs

sydney - 3-30-2006 at 05:47 PM

I have always loved iranian songs is it possible if you guide me to where I can download some? Or you can upload some if you have please?


John Erlich - 3-30-2006 at 05:48 PM


Thanks for posting the clip. I always enjoy hearing different oud styles.

Khoda Hafez,

arsalana - 3-30-2006 at 06:24 PM

Well... I have a fairly complete archive of Iranian National Music but I don't think it's such a good idea to share files here due to copyright laws, but I do have a few links which you could go to and they get updated daily and they post music files. The blogs are in farsi, so I guess you should just look for the download links! you can also look inside their archives.


wonderful music

Ararat66 - 3-31-2006 at 12:11 AM

Dear Arsalana - if you are not a musician then we should all pack our bags and go - your playing is beautiful and very definately musical

Kind Regards


Jameel - 3-31-2006 at 01:18 PM

Very nice playing. Would you be so kind as to share some detailed photos of your Arafati oud? We'd love to see come closeups of the pegbox, rose, bridge, bowl, etc. Thanks!

arsalana - 4-1-2006 at 02:52 PM

You are all very kind! and sure thing, I will take those shots and post them asap!

Peyman - 4-1-2006 at 04:14 PM

Very nice playing! Afarin :xtreme:
To note: there is a 'barbat' model by Master Ghanbari Mehr.

arsalana - 4-1-2006 at 04:51 PM

Thank you very much Peyman... and yes there are various Barbat models made by Maestro Ghanbari Mehr!

And here is a picture of Maestro Ghanbari Mehr with Maestro Hossein Behroozinia. It is important to note that the instrument in the picture is an Iranian Barbat and it is not an Oud, and that is in fact one of Maestro Behroozinia's main instruments. I have seen him perform with that on several different events.

arsalana - 4-10-2006 at 07:37 PM

I have added the pictures of my Oud here as I had promised. So.. enjoy!

journeyman - 4-11-2006 at 11:05 AM

I have see pictures of instruments called barbats that look identical to ouds. These do not have the skin face. So, my question is, except for the Iranian barbats with the skin faces, is there in fact a difference between ouds and barbats? If so, could someone explain the differences?

I have been told from one person that there is a difference, and someone else said that they were the same, and that ouds are called barbats in Iran. As you can see, I am a bit confused.

Thanks in advance,

Peyman - 4-11-2006 at 12:43 PM

Very nice Arsalan. I like those rosettes.
To reply to Roy:
Currently, barbat and oud are equivalent but most iranians use the word barbat. There is also a specific Barbat model designed by Mr. Ghanbari-Mehr which has its own properties. You can read about it here: http://www.behroozinia.com/_web/002_barbat/barbat.html
Also the barbats shown in old persian miniature paintings are different from the modern ouds in shape and size. They had a tear-drop shape (like the setars) and were quite large. They were also fretted and had 9 strings. I have added some pictures of its reconstrcution by Majnun Karimov, an azeri music enthusiast.
Take a look: http://www.senecahosting.com/Barbat/
(Sorry for the blurry images. My scanner is broken and I had to use a camera.)

mavrothis - 4-11-2006 at 01:13 PM

Beautiful playing, thanks for posting. I've played an oud by this maker and it was really beautiful, just like this one. Congratulations, I like the very Persian flavor in your playing very much.

Take care,


journeyman - 4-11-2006 at 07:31 PM

Thanks for the information on the barbat Peyman. It sounds like there is a suggestion on Mr. Behroozinia's site that there is indeed a difference between the barbat and the oud.

"In 1996, after years of research, master builder Mr. Ebrahim Ghanbari-Mehr designed and built a BARBAT that resembles the original form of this instrument used in Iran before the Arab invasion."

However, when I look at the pictures and listen to the sound, (a beautiful sound and appearance by the way) I can't really see much difference compared to an oud. Perhaps I'll try and research this a bit more and see what I can find. Thanks again for your reply.

All the best,

arsalana - 4-11-2006 at 08:08 PM

Thank you everyone, you are all very kind. And yes also to add to what Peyman was saying, there are many differences in a Barbat and an Oud. If you were to listen to the Album called Mid-night Sun played by Maestro Hossein Behroozinia, you will be able to hear the difference between a Barbat and an Oud. It is mostly the interior structure of the Barbat which makes it different than any other Lute.

Dr. Oud - 4-12-2006 at 07:19 AM

Originally posted by sydney
I have always loved iranian songs is it possible if you guide me to where I can download some? ...

Here's some links in English:
Persian Classical Music
Iranian/Persian Music
DovesongTraditional Iranian Music
Iran Radio
Mohammed Arafati makes ouds/barbats in many varieties of shapes and sizez, although I didn't see one like Behrouzinia's at his shop. I did see one with the same configuration in a music store in Tehran, however, but all the other ouds/barbats I saw in Iran (not many) were similar to Arabic or Turkish models. Some other Iranian oud links:
Iranian Oud
Oud Majid

arsalana - 4-12-2006 at 08:36 AM

Dr. Oud is it possible that you could maybe post a sample sound of that Oud you have made in that picture? It would be great if you could.

Thank you in advance

Dr. Oud - 4-12-2006 at 12:40 PM

Sorry, It was built for a client and is gone away. I didn't record it, but it sounded like a small Turkish oud, due to the size of the face & body.

Thank you so much Master Richard

sydney - 4-12-2006 at 05:21 PM

Good man :bowdown:

arsalana - 4-13-2006 at 01:45 PM

Ohh That's ok Richard, thank you either way.