Mike's Oud Forums

orange pyramide set strings

amarock - 4-5-2006 at 02:20 PM

Hi all
For the strings i always use the pyramid orange set
One week ago i bought one an put them in my oud,but this time i realise that the third are in nilon and not wound,and i have difficulties to tune them(i speak about the Re strings).Did someone encounter this probleme?I need some advise!

Orange pyramids

sydney - 4-5-2006 at 03:21 PM

Originally posted by amarock
Hi all
For the strings i always use the pyramid orange set
One week ago i bought one an put them in my oud,but this time i realise that the third are in nilon and not wound,and i have difficulties to tune them(i speak about the Re strings).Did someone encounter this probleme?I need some advise!

Hello Amarock,

I have that type of set. Actually they are very good strings a lot of oud players like to have the D string in nylon. It usually get tuned very easy because it does not take that many turns on the peg compared to the rest of the strings. The reason for my post is to bring to your attention that I kept turnning the peg over the string limit thinking that it needs that many turns. Try again and see what happens. Unless you have a faulty patch of strings.

Please share your findings.

Good luck