Mike's Oud Forums

Travel to Istanbul

Lampros - 4-27-2006 at 05:35 AM

hello everyone.

I'm Lampros and this is the very first time I post something in the forum.
If anyone wants to get a small picture of what my preoccupations are in music, he/she can click on my profile.
I'm glad that I found out about this forum through my web search and I hope to exchange and share interesting things about the ud music.

I've been playing the ud for almost two years but without the guidance of any great teacher. I simply felt that I had to try this string instrument as well. The violin ofcource helped a lot. I mostly learned on a "practicing model" which was probably made in Turkey.
I believe it is time to move on a better sounding/construction ud.
That is one of the reasons I'm traveling to Istanbul.

The question is whether anybody knows something about the market there or has some other kind of information about streets and music shops I should visit.
I know very little about different kinds of wood and ud models. Therefore I would really appreciate any help regarding the options I've got and the pricing in the turkish market.

Thanx in advance

kasos - 4-27-2006 at 07:07 AM

Welcome to Mike's oud forums Lampros. I've been reading them almost every day about a year now, and can't say enough good things about them. Despite the odd misunderstanding, considering the wide range of backgrounds (geographical, political and religious) from which the site draws its usership, the site is quite a testament to the ability of music to draw disparate people together.

As to the specifics of your post, I've never been to Istanbul myself, so I'm of little direct help, but I note that currently on this forum there's a fairly involved thread about different music shops, etc. You might want to begin by checking that out, and perhaps sending a U2U to one or more of the participants in that thread. Also, use the search feature on the site's internal tool bar. The site has a wealth of information in prior posts, which

Take care, Mark in Canada