Mike's Oud Forums

My Taqseem

peppeo77 - 5-22-2006 at 10:45 AM

Hello everybody!
I finally found out a way to record something on my laptop! I'm sorry for the bad quality of the audio and of the taqseem itself...I'm just an italian - oud student - self thaught...
Any comment, expecially the negative ones are very welcome!
Salam aleikum oud fellas!
p.s.:this is my Sukkar oud, next time I will try to post something better recorded with my Baytar lebanese oud.
Ciao ciao, Peppeo!

hassan - 5-22-2006 at 11:10 AM

Ciao Peppeo,

Good begining, th sound of your Sukkar oud is good. I have one like that. You have just to going on, I am sur you 'll improve your playing,

A presto



dubai244 - 5-22-2006 at 08:48 PM

Hi Peppeo,
That's really nice playing, keep practicing and you will improve. keep listen to the tagaseem you like, then try to play them and then modify it and keep recording your self and listen to it. by doing this, you will learn from your own mistakes.
Good Luck

Aziz - 5-22-2006 at 11:11 PM

Thats was really cool man.. not bad for an Italian, i liked the way you shif between magams.

Good luck Peppeo:) and i hope i'll hear from you soon to see your improvment.


peppeo77 - 5-22-2006 at 11:52 PM

Shukran to all of you folks, I will keep going on following the suggestions of my arab mates! I'm just trying to mix my guitar technique (well...I've been a guitar player since 15 years) and my western use of the scales to the few maqams I'm learning. You know, Italy is not that crowded of oud teachers, but with the help of my experience on the guitar I'm trying to do my best...
Salam aleikum, Peppeo.

SamirCanada - 5-24-2006 at 08:28 AM

I really liked it Peppeo,
your oud sounds really good. Its verry Sukar sounding.
From what I hear, I think this was improvised playing it was beutifull by the way. Your playing of the Guitar is verry noticable here. Its not a bad thing at all but if you want to have a more authentic sound you can use a little more tremolo's from time to time and its a technique different from guitar. Its my advice to also try and develop a taqasim from an artist that you like. It will give you other perspectives on playing and then you can turn around and incorporate parts in your taqasim. Its true that its important to have your own style but practicing other taqasims is a good way to learn about yourself.
You can do it Peppeo. Hit us with some fresh stuff when you can.
I hope this helped in anyway.
All the best

Elias - 5-24-2006 at 11:54 PM

GRande Peppeo!
Buona prova!...Samir ha ragione, un pò di tremolo in più è necessario ed anche la sinsitra ti dovrà un pò aiutare in questo....ma hai preso una buona strada ,fidati!!
Un abbraccio

hakeem.ram - 5-31-2006 at 12:35 AM

Pretty good peppeo!

I have a question, what strings do you use for your Sukkar?

peppeo77 - 5-31-2006 at 01:20 AM

Shukran Hakeem! One this oud I use Aquila nylgut strings, turkish set, and I tune it CFADgc. I feel very comfprtable with those strings, the sound is very warm and loud. And it's very quick to get them here in Italy...;)
Salamat, Peppeo.

Lazzaro - 6-9-2006 at 01:50 AM

I am very sorry to reply always so late, I enjoyed your taqseem for your autentic Arabic flavour. Does it come from the Couscous your Mum prepare for you? Un'abbraccio ciao Maurizio;)

peppeo77 - 6-9-2006 at 02:06 AM

Yes my dear friend...my mom's cous cous is so good that it can develope an arab sound in italian fingers as well...waiting for another pleasant jam session like the one of a few months ago...by the way, the horn risha you gave me is working perfectly good! Thanx a lot! Sentiamoci quando abbiamo tempo, mi piacerebbe molto un'altra chiacchierata-suonata, così con la scusa ti rendo i CD che mi hai prestato...Un abbraccione, Giuseppe.