Mike's Oud Forums

Oud Accessories in Toronto

MotherMarvin - 7-17-2006 at 05:21 PM

Hi All,

I just got my first oud (Khalifa - Syria) in February, and am wondering if any of you know of any places in Toronto where I could buy a good-quality mizrap/risha (so far, mine have all been made from opaque plastic jugs -- not great).

Also, what are your recommendations for strings... what should I buy?

Thanks very much,


journeyman - 7-17-2006 at 06:08 PM

I don't know about rishas, but the 12th fret on Danforth Ave. sells Daddarrio oud strings. They are made for Turkish tuning but they work fine with Arabic tunings as well. My friend has them on his Sukkar oud and they are very good. I got some bone strips from the Nile Shop in Egypt and sanded my own rishas from those. The problem with that is that out of several bone strips, only a couple were thick enough to use. The rest were too thin for my taste, probably like Javex bottle plastic. If you need a teacher, I would highly recommend Bassam Shahouk up at York University. There aren't many oud people here in Toronto, so it's great to have you aboard.


Jake - 7-18-2006 at 11:00 AM

Hello MM and Roy. My name is Jake and I am also in Toronto.
I wonder Roy if you would have a number for Bassam Shahouk at York. Greg has advised me about Mr. Shehadeh.

All the best

journeyman - 7-18-2006 at 11:27 AM

Hi Jake,
E mail me through my web site at roypatterson.com and I will give you Bassam's number.


amtaha - 7-18-2006 at 12:26 PM

This might prove to be of interest.

Robert Simms is a professor York's University department of music, and I was told that if he doesn't teach oud, he can refer to someone close by.

I haven't contacted him yet.



amtaha - 9-2-2006 at 01:49 PM

I need to extend MotherMarvin's question to whether anyone knows of someone who sells medium stregth rishas in Ontario, or Canada?

Philippe - 9-3-2006 at 12:08 PM

You should try Elitemusic on Danforth(near Pape Subway station). They have oud, bouzouki, saz, etc. I've taken some lesson with Pete. Great guy, good sense of humor!

amtaha - 9-3-2006 at 08:10 PM

Thanks Philippe,

I just checked out their website. I'll try giving them a call on Tuesday.

Happy Labor Day!


puujisan - 10-1-2006 at 12:13 AM

Hi. My name is Puujisan and I am a former student of Bassam Shahouk. Bassam is a FANTASTIC teacher and really knows his stuff. He went to school with Simon Shaheen way back in university and they are both absolute MASTERS of oud/repertoire/taqsim and such.

I can't say enough good stuff about this absolutely brilliant man and his great advice. Seek him out...

journeyman - 10-2-2006 at 05:52 PM

I have had three lessons with Bassam over the past few months and would agree with Puujisan. He is a great player and teacher, and a very warm human being. He has really helped me a lot.
