Mike's Oud Forums

The ultimate chick magnet

nadir - 1-16-2004 at 02:07 PM

now, i know that all of us here are captivated by the oud and we take it very personally. but, i can't help but notice that wherever i go with my oud, i tend to pick up girls a lot quicker! they seem to be just as mesmorised by the oud as we are! but, is the oud a chick magnet or is it just TruePharoh and i getting girls?

TruePharaoh21 - 1-16-2004 at 03:32 PM

I hope we aren't the only two. There are too many guitar players here, so it's become something amazing when someone brings something different. If they see a violin, they think you're rich and boring (weird people these women). But when they see an oud... wow, it's a whole new thing. They go ecstatic.


P.S. If you haven't tried takin the oud out of your house and playing in public, try. Don't be nervous. Your confidence is in your risha. :D

bahleh13 - 1-16-2004 at 04:07 PM

:)) Boy you guys are a hit. Maybe then i should share this with u, just to prove that the oud is one mesmerizing instrument: When we had the Lebanese day in Latvia, I was running with my Oud to the hall where we lebanese organized everything, and as I was going up the stairs A bunch of cute girls were sitting there, and all of a sudden i hear the exclamation "OPA!!" As I turn I see half were smiling and half were catching flies in their mouths :shrug: couldn't tell if it was me or the Oud until I figured it out later that i never had such an experience when I was walking without the oud in my hand. Also when I was playing at one restaurant, after I finish a girl (or more) always came up to me and started talking. I even attracted one 35 year old lady who kept pestering me for 30 whole mins :mad: Crazy!! Ok Oud hunks, let's see who else had a "Casanovian" experience with his Oud. Anyone?!

Yours truly,
Basel :D

P.S. The Oud is something no one ever saw in their lives here in Latvia :D

samzayed - 1-16-2004 at 05:05 PM

You guys are so right with this one! I have had 2 chicks call me just to hear me play for them on the phone. The last girl I dated always wanted me to bring my oud out. I am going to take an oud, strap to my back, and take out to clubs and bars, and see what happens

elrabee3 - 1-17-2004 at 06:54 AM

now i found another reason to learn oud :cool:

norumba - 1-17-2004 at 08:30 AM

never thought about it, but its true, now that you mention it, thats funny....
i do a solo gig at a cafe here - and this town is full of single divorcee emigres from California...they love the oud, to be sure - you can tell , just they way the reat or talk to you during break... ( but im a married man, so i behave!)

nadir - 1-17-2004 at 10:28 AM

haha, it was so funny today, my mom was bragging to all her friends that i was getting really good at the oud and all of them from now are inviting me to their parties and daughter's weddings... "o yeah, bring your oud with you!" :buttrock:

i think i would spoil the weddings though by running off with the bride through my charming oud techniques! haha!

all in all i think that people are just captivated by how smooth the oud sounds, unlike a toledo model guitar which sounds like some panging haphazard device!

i think that the ladies also like the way the oud looks because its so beautifully decorated. my personal favorite part is actually where the tuning pegs are, i don't know why though!

P.S. i give much respect towards samzayed for getting girls to call him on the phone to play, hopefully it will happen to me as well!:bowdown:

bahleh13 - 1-17-2004 at 10:57 AM

Ah!! The advantage we single oudists have over the committed, don't u agree my friend, norumba? :D Much respect to samzayed for getting the calls, as well as nadir for getting the chance to run off with the brides :applause: TP I'm sure u too have a particular story to share with us. I won't press but I'd love to know HOW exactly the girls behave when u catalyze ur presence with the Oud :D
elrabee3, what r u waiting for? Didn't u read enough from this thread?! Go man go!! :D We'll help you on the techniques of playing, and u'll handle the charming bit ;) hehehe.

Yours truly,
Basel :D

P.S. This is one wicked thread :bounce:

source of attraction

sydney - 1-29-2004 at 04:03 PM

Hello Fine People :bowdown:

My personal experience with the OUD is a bit simillar in the sense of attracting people. The other day I was in my way out of the church after the mass and I had my oud with me heading to the studio for some choir recording, then I got called by an old man saying " do you play that thing well or are you just learning?" I looked back and answered " yes I do play it well enough" then he said " well then , play me on of the hymns." I started playing and by the time I am about to finish I was already surrounded by at least 50 people if not more and every one has got a hymns book waiting to request a hymn to be played. I honestly had to cancel recording that day and on top of that I went home with a sore shoulder as I have never played for 5 hours in one go. It was a great blessing, fun and made others very happy.

This instrument is a great gift from God and to be able to play it is just another grace.

Be well :wavey:

Emad from sydney

TruePharaoh21 - 1-29-2004 at 04:06 PM

Woooow, now THAT'S a story. Emad, it's good to see you posting again, bro. Hope all is well with you. Hope your shoulder feels better too :D


spyros mesogeia - 1-29-2004 at 04:20 PM

well.....what can I say....I was in the good position to play the oud,so one day I was in a big square,it was 12 am,I start to play the oud,I closed my eyes,I start to play on this beautifull sunshine,and when I opened my eyes,there was alot of people that they were sheeting in front of me,and they were listening me playing.....
Then at the end [2 hours later],three girls asked me to learn them how to play......
Since than and untill I finished my studies,I used to play to all the festivities and the concerts of the students community....
It was a miracle....at this time I meat and my ex wife......hehhehehehe
Life goes on,we can fine many beautifull women,but it is very dificult to get a good oud...;)
Regards to all

Jameel - 1-29-2004 at 04:22 PM


What exactly do you mean by hymns? I'm curious. Can you upload a sample?


spyros mesogeia - 1-29-2004 at 04:32 PM

Yes my friend Emad,what kind of Hymns?
For exemple,here in Greece we have the Byzantine music .....
What do you use?


nadir - 2-3-2004 at 01:12 AM

it seems that just messing around on the oud can get one quite a lot of viewers!! ;)

i was on the jumeira beach today just striking a few notes and there were around five girls that stayed and watched for the whole time that i was there...


sydney - 2-3-2004 at 12:23 PM

Hello Fine People :wavey:

Hymns are a religious tunes and songs. Some of them are taken from old generation and new once too.

I'll be gladly uploading a samply later today when I get home.

Thank you all for being interested to know.

All the best.


TruePharaoh21 - 2-3-2004 at 12:27 PM

Emad, I'm definitely looking forward to hearing the new clips you have for us. Bring it on, bro!


nadir - 2-3-2004 at 12:38 PM

while you at it, get a video of the chicks all over you as well!! ;)

TruePharaoh21 - 2-3-2004 at 12:39 PM

I don't think Mike allows those kinds of vids up here, buddy. :D


sydney - 2-3-2004 at 12:41 PM

You guys are something else

I love all of you

God bless


nadir - 2-3-2004 at 12:43 PM

hahaha! i wonder which oudist got the most girls... in fact, i wonder which get more girls - oudists or the oud makers? ;)

spyros mesogeia - 2-3-2004 at 03:03 PM

You know how it is.....the oudmaker makes the instrument,but the player makes the miracles;)
You know how it is,like the good masaj:D