Yesterday, i bought a Oud who was manufactured by Ali Khalifeh and sons (there is a label inside the Oud with a picture of Ali, i guess).
It is in mint conditions execpt a sticker trace on the face of the instrument.
It's a very nice piece.
Who can tell me informations about this Syrian luthier ? Any ideas about my instrument, year old, value ? I bought it 90 euros (= 90$).
Which kind of stings must i buy for it ? Anybody has a scheme about the way to fix the strings at the keys (wich one goes to wich key), and how can i
chord it ?
Many thanks.
billkilpatrick - 9-11-2006 at 08:40 AM
fbassman -
like me, you are the happy owner of an inexpensive, slanderous, tourist quality oud from damascus. i understand that when he was alive, ali
khalifeh himself was an excellent luthier but that his nephews took a quantity - as opposed to quality - approach to the market after assuming control
of their uncle's business and cash in on his good name.
other than price, the main advantages associated with this oud are:
- its slightly wider fingerboard (more comfortable for guitarists)
- its projection (tone's not great but people can hear it)
- its light weight (you can play for hours while standing or strolling around, as i do)
its disadvantages will no doubt reveal themselves shortly (denigrating comments from fellow oudists being high on the list) but neck warp will
probably be the most dramatic.
... if i were you i wouldn't waste money on reconditioning yours. mine was a gift, so i didn't mind the expense but imho - should things go wrong -
you would do much better to save your pennies and buy a quality oud elsewhere.
any oud is better than no oud.
regards - billfbassman - 9-11-2006 at 09:12 PM
Many thanks for all those informations.
FranckTAFTAF - 4-24-2010 at 01:03 PM
sorry never heard of him but any oud lover would tell what I don't want to say in public but you can see the rips ending and the shape and I
don't want to say more. of course I will say my father is www.faikfadhel.Luttgutt - 4-24-2010 at 02:30 PM
sorry never heard of him but any oud lover would tell what I don't want to say in public but you can see the rips ending and the shape and I
don't want to say more. of course I will say my father is www.faikfadhel.
Doesn't the son of faikfadhel know who ALI KHLIFE is!?!?!?!???????????????????????????????????????
fbassmann, I have two Ali khalifes.
1- One is from the 90's. Nice looking, good finish, but OK sound. Good enough for a beginner.
2- the second from the 80's. Extreemly bad on all the finishing. But sounds like a million dollar, with a base sound that can shake the pyramids.
And I paid around 100$ for them (each)
So you never know! Hope yours is a good one.
P.s. I don't like the way some oud makers are pushing the prices up to the sky (with good help from some super rich average players.)