Mike's Oud Forums


mafime03 - 9-13-2006 at 01:56 PM

i was playing on my oud yesterday and one of the strings just pops. it got completely torn away from the bridge. it was the D string. it wasnt too high and the strings are only a few months old. i also wasnt hitting the strings hard enough for this to happen. any idea what caused this?

Jason - 9-13-2006 at 02:23 PM

It could be a lot of things. Sometimes strings just break for no apparent reason though.

ALOMARI - 9-14-2006 at 12:41 AM

i'm not an expert but maybe you were using the pick in a wrong way or wrong angle

SamirCanada - 9-14-2006 at 07:18 AM

Nah that has nothing to do with it.
it is probably a defect in the fabrication. It happens verry often actualy. Because oud strings dont get submited to the same quality standards as guitar strings. By most companies anyways.
Dont worry about it. Just get a new set and play your oud.

paulO - 9-14-2006 at 05:14 PM

Yep, I agree with Samir -- I haven't had many nylon strings break, but the wound 3rd's :( Good Luck.


alim - 9-14-2006 at 08:14 PM

Originally posted by paulO
Yep, I agree with Samir -- I haven't had many nylon strings break, but the wound 3rd's :( Good Luck.


Maybe they break because they are wounded .... :) Sorry couldn't resist.

SamirCanada - 9-14-2006 at 08:21 PM

good one Alim

revaldo29 - 9-14-2006 at 09:03 PM

Haha, nothing like a little oud forum Humor. Anyone got any other oud jokes that only us few fanatics will be amused by while everyone else thinks we have too much time on our hands?

mafime03 - 9-15-2006 at 07:20 AM

lol. thanks guys. its weird though cause the last time this happened( when i 1st started oud 4 years ago) i tuned the string way too high and it popped. so im just curious. what kind of strings and picks do you guys use? i use labella ou80 and a horn pick. is that a bad choice? thanks again.

SamirCanada - 9-15-2006 at 12:42 PM

well is your horn pick sharp enough to cut a string? if yes you should change it or make it dull. I know most people use a plastic risha. I use different kinds of hard or soft plastic rishas personally. Jameel made a few nice tortis rishas that were suposed to be quite nice. I never used horn although I was looking into it but I was advised to stop worrying about finding the ultimate risha to make me play better. In the end the flaw doesnt come from the risha but from the hand it rests in.

ALOMARI - 9-16-2006 at 10:55 PM

well , yeah that could be it .if the pick is sharp at some angle or at some point it could cause a cut in the string , that's actually what i meant earlier

mafime03 - 9-18-2006 at 06:34 AM

no its not sharp at all. i've tried the soft plastic picks and its very hard for me to play with those. so i use a hard horn pick. has anyone tried jameels tortis pick?