Mike's Oud Forums

Oud in Israel

Benjamin - 10-22-2006 at 11:39 AM

Hi everybody, shalom lekhoulam,

I just settled in Beer Sheva, and I'm looking for oudplayers in the area and in Israel to contact and meet and to get informations about oud in the country. I'm especially looking for an oud teacher in Beer Sheva if possible, or else in the Jerusalem area or Tel Aviv area. In the latter cases, I would take longer lessons every two or three weeks, rather than every week, as it takes time and money to move to theses places from Beer Sheva.

If somebody in Israel plays oud or another instrument and would meet to play az gam baroukh haba!


oudplayer - 10-22-2006 at 02:04 PM

hey ben
moshomcha ?? how r u

i think you hsould contact safir music its in jerusalam the street is ben yehudah and and he will help you when i went there he gave me a list of oud players around israel . so look in yr directory and find his number sorr yi had his number in my isralei phone sorry
thx sammy

zalzal - 10-22-2006 at 10:26 PM

Why do not you go to Nazareth where you will find familys with generations of great musicians behind, like the Joubran family for ex. You will also get good ouds over there fm reputated luthiers.

I think in Israel you have Sameer Makhoul, an excelent oud player whom i saw in France last year and i enjoyed a lot.

There is also the Said-Baremboim foundation in Jerusalem which i believe are working closely with the Jerusalem conservatory for arab music where excelent teachers provide oud and classical arab music.

akram - 10-23-2006 at 01:45 AM

i live in arad near beer sheva
call me 0502020716 my mail akram_jiries@yahoo.com
my name is akram we will talk about oud and oud teatcher


John Erlich - 10-23-2006 at 12:22 PM

Shalom Benjamin,

Taiseer Elias directs the Eastern Music program at the Jerusalem Academy. You should be able to Google the site and find his e-mail. Sameer Makhoul is one of his sucessful oud students.

Also, there is the Institute for Oriental Music in Jerusalem. I don't think they have a presence on the Internet, but they offer both individual and ensemble lessons. Jerusalem-based musicians should be able to tell you how to contact them.

Good luck,

Marina - 10-23-2006 at 11:38 PM

Hi there,

I just can not find the site of this Center for Oriental Music in Jerusalem, but I have their phone number at home. I ll be back from Bosnia at 25.10. 2006, phone me, so Ill give you the number. I ve heard that Samir Mahoul is very good teacher, as well as Ehab Nimer who teaches there as well.
0544 372 055
About Taisir Elias, he is very, very good, but as the decan of Arabic music department, I wander if he has a time to teach students outside the academy, who knows...There is also Michael Maroun who is exelent, but he lives near Haifa, and teaches at Arabic - Jewisch center at Yaffa, so you can take the lessons there, once a week, they charged last year 3600 NIS for a year.
At Bar Ilan school for ethnic music, you have lessons ones a week, fridays, (I teach there Ladino singing), they start at 5th of November, and they charge also around 3600 for a year and you got private lesson - oud, theory, and ansamble lessons. Bar Ilan is very good to get the basic, but if you are good already, than, I would recomand Michael Maroun.

amarock - 10-24-2006 at 01:28 PM

the site of the center in Jerusalem:www.musicenter.org.il

John Erlich - 10-24-2006 at 04:07 PM

Thanks Bruno,

FYI: (1) The site is in Hebrew-only. (2) The woman with the oud in the photo on the home page is the lead singer from my band!

Kol tuv,
Udi John