Mike's Oud Forums

Ara Dinkjian's new solo CD - website

mavrothis - 11-29-2006 at 08:58 AM

Hi guys,

Great news, Ara Dinkjian just released his new solo CD! I don't know if anyone has already posted about this, but I thought it's worth repeating in case you haven't heard.

He is definitely one of the most loved if not the most loved oud player in Greece (though he lives in the US) - everyone there points to him as one of the top examples of beautiful contemporary oud playing, and I wholeheartedly agree.

Here is his site:




umut - 11-29-2006 at 11:49 AM

great news, i ordered the cd and looking forward to listening it. thanks for bringing it to our attention mavro.

ara is a great oud player and a great composer and if you haven't already listened to his music, i'd definitely recommend his older cd's with his group "night ark"


mavrothis - 12-11-2006 at 02:17 PM


Just wanted to say I got this CD and the oud playing is just great. There is a nice balance of traditional playing and Ara Dinkjian's characteristic fusing of traditional Eastern sounds and jazz/pop, which is very tasteful and unique. There are really beautiful songs on this album.

He really has a special, light touch on the oud that you probably won't hear from anyone else.

Sorry guys, I guess this thread belongs under CD reviews... :)

Take care,


Great CD

LeeVaris - 12-11-2006 at 06:29 PM

I ordered a CD right away and I must say that I haven't stopped listening to this since I got it! Mav you're right - Ara's touch on the oud is very subtle and evocative, especially in the taksims and solo interludes. Very tasteful jazz/fusion stuff – I'd like to hear him with more traditional music because I think his playing is very strongly based in a traditional background. :airguitar:

Mav, do you know him personally?

mavrothis - 12-11-2006 at 07:51 PM

Hi Lee,

That's great, I'm glad you got this album and like it so much. I do know Mr. Dinkjian a little, but mostly from a distance. He's a very good guy, on top of all his talents.

Do you have the Eleutheria Arvanitaki albums he's featured on? Check out "Zwntana stous braxous '95" and "Ta kormia kai ta mahairia" - two great albums that feature his playing and compositions. :)

See ya,


amarock - 12-12-2006 at 07:29 AM

Hi dear friends
I saw and heard him at the jerusalem oud festival last month:he is really a great oud player.I really enjoyed!

adamgood - 12-12-2006 at 09:16 AM

Ara is really so special. His taksims are beautiful...soulful, human, rough around the edges, gritty...the good stuff. I took a couple lessons with him and when he played taksims for me it was just all music. going for it, eyes closed.


Jonathan - 1-4-2007 at 03:15 PM

This is an incredible cd. Just got it yesterday, and I can't stop playing it.