Jason - 12-19-2006 at 11:04 PM
I'd like to get a case for my oud but I don't really know what to get or where to get it from. I've only heard bad things about the Sukar cases you
can find on ebay. A case from Nazih would cost around $450 to get to the USA. Does Shehata sell cases? I know Jameel plans on offering cases soon,
they look good.
What are you guys using right now?
excentrik - 12-21-2006 at 11:11 AM
Nazih uses two different cases- he either sells a (thats what rami said) sukar, or he has these nice almost-form-fitting ones- I have the latter- did
you contact nazih about the case? I think you can also buy one directly from sukar- and guess what!? they are real... (lol. just another ebay joke to
keep the canon alive.)
I know Rami (palestine48) bought one on ebay from a seller in San Francisco and it was a real sukar, and it's nice too- I seen it.
good luck jason-