Mike's Oud Forums

Rare Ouds for Sale

oudman - 2-22-2007 at 03:39 AM

Hi guys
I would like to bring to your attention an exciting new section on Nazih Ghadbans website, "special ouds".
Nazih will be offering ouds by the famous makers:
Nahat, Jamil Georgy, Kadamani, Bedrossian, Mahran, Leon, Mohamad Fadel, Jamil Kandalaft, Mamas and others for sale.
Right now a gorgeous 1956 Bedrossian is being offered.
Pics and a soundclip are already uploaded on the site.
If you have any questions or need more pics, you can contact Mr. Ghadban directly at info@oudnazihghadban.com

hakeem.ram - 2-22-2007 at 08:22 AM

I think he is just showcasing the ouds but they are not for sale. there is nothing mentioned that it is for sale. Unless if you get insider news that is, ;)

Anyhow i really respect the ouds Master Ghadban produces. I was just listening to the Khawateri Model and really i fell in love with the ton efo the oud. Unfortunately a fresh grad with no job can only dream for such stuff. Then again wishful thinking is no harm. And sometime wishing hard enough makes a wish come true. :)

oudman - 2-23-2007 at 08:30 AM

These are ouds that are for sale. Serious buyers should contact Mr. Ghadban directly.

Jonathan - 3-6-2007 at 12:26 PM

He has added quite a few ouds, including a really interesting Nahat that I am sure a lot of you will be interested in.
Navigation is a little tricky--just put your mouse on the down arrow and leave it there to scroll down.

SamirCanada - 3-6-2007 at 12:37 PM


thats some nice ouds.

zalzal - 3-8-2007 at 12:33 AM

I can not scroll down. Is M. Ghadban uploading oud by oud or are all of them already uploaded??

peppeo77 - 3-8-2007 at 12:49 AM

You can scroll down the images just with internet explorer. If you are using mozilla firefox the scroll doesn't work. It happened to me also.
Good luck, Peppeo.