Mike's Oud Forums

looking for players in my area

Douglas - 2-18-2004 at 11:11 PM

I just moved to Houston from Detroit. And am an average oud player. I am also Armenian. I am looking for other players in my area.

Al Billings - 2-21-2004 at 07:01 AM

Douglas, there's a band in Houston called Trans-Arabian Sounds. The oud player is Hani. If you can locate them, he's a very good player. They'll be in Austin in March for a show http://www.wmdproductions.com/UmmKulthoumFestival.htm You might want to come up and check them out. I don't know whether you play in the Armenian or Arab tradition. You're also welcome to visit me here in Austin and play oud. Also, the University of Texas at Austin does present Middle Eastern music from time to time. Goggle a search for the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at UT and they'll post who's going to appear.

Douglas - 2-22-2004 at 11:00 PM

Thanks I'll have to look them up. Also once I get settled i'd enjoy getting together to see your playing style or get any new technics for playing. I'm not very familiar with arab artists or styles. But while I was serving this past year in the war in Iraq, our interpeters introduced me to some artists like Kathem Saha and a few others i don't remember their names. I would have liked to purchase an oud built there but i know it wouldn't have survived the trip home with all my equipment.

Al Billings - 2-23-2004 at 08:25 AM

Douglas, you can email me at al@albillings.com

Oudests in San Antonio

wfspark - 3-26-2004 at 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Al Billings
Douglas, you can email me at al@albillings.com
Hello everyone. Are their any oudests in San Antonio? Thanks.

William F. Sparks