damascene_oud - 5-8-2007 at 12:35 AM
Guys i'm kind a intrigued at the kind of wood the maker suggested to use in building my oud.
He suggested Ebony since it gives a nicer look for oud and more durability. But as far as i know that Ebony is a hard kind of wood, and it is not
flexible enough to provide good sound resonance, not to mention that it is heavier than other kinds of wood. I suggested Walnut or Black Walnut wood
or rosewood. But the maker seems to be insisting on the magnificent features of the Ebony.
Anybody has any idear about this that could help me in making up my mind?
SamirCanada - 5-8-2007 at 05:25 AM
make a search on the forums using the search feature... you will find that this question was debated many times.
And Iam sure you will find enough information on this.
In any case if the oud maker is comfortable using the wood I think you should trust his experience and let him make you the oud he thinks he will make