Mike's Oud Forums

Shana Tova

omazuz - 9-12-2007 at 03:36 AM

Shana Tove to all of us out there. Tonight its Rosh Hashana in Israel (new years eve). I wish peace will come to this planet soon.

oudplayer - 9-12-2007 at 12:03 PM

hey ofar

toda raba

shan tovah to you and you family and every oen els on these forums
thx sammy

bokoly - 9-12-2007 at 12:39 PM

shana tova hevre :X
where are you live(in israel?)?

excentrik - 9-12-2007 at 10:41 PM

Peace. . . . . . . . . . . .


dubai244 - 9-12-2007 at 11:15 PM

Hi guys,

Shana Tove every one ....

I am just curious what "Shana Tove " means? could you please translated for me please?


Masel - 9-13-2007 at 12:59 AM

Shana tova means good year in hebrew, today is rosh hashana (head of the year, the beginning of the year according to the jewish calander). I recently heard the names of the months in the muslim calander, and not surprisingly alot of them are exactly the same as on the jewish one, just a point of interest.

Anyway, shana tova and ramadan kareem to everyone. (What does kaareem mean?)..

dubai244 - 9-13-2007 at 05:10 AM

Hi Masel,

Thanks for the translation ....

Kareem means generous. The reasone they call it Kareem, because in Ramadan mulsims gives a lot of food and money for poor people, more than any other mounths during the year and that because of religin reason, for forgiveness from god and getting closer to him as muslim


Benjamin - 9-13-2007 at 01:01 PM

Shana tova lakhem ve ramadan karim lakum!
Dear Dubai244, shana is like sana (just add three dots on the sin and you get the hebrew shana), tova is like ta'iba (in hebrew the b became a v when in certain place in the word or at the end)...

dubai244 - 9-13-2007 at 01:19 PM

Hi Benjamin,

Thanks for the information ....

May i ask why the jews new year starting in this mounth, it is history or religin? could you please explain, i am really curious about it.


Benjamin - 9-14-2007 at 03:59 AM

Hi Dubai244 and to all,
Actually it 's not only the jews new year but the new year for all the human kind, as jews believe it is the day of the creation of the world, and that this present "world" or era (there were other worlds before, which were destroyed so that the present world could come into being) started exactly (according to jewish tradition and belief) 5768 years ago, so we are entering in year 5768. I'm not sure why this month and not another, but it may be for the same reason that muslims enter their holiest month at roughly the same period I guess.

dubai244 - 9-14-2007 at 08:09 AM

Hi Benjamin,

Thank you very much for the informations.

I hope that our world will not be destroyed like the others.

Shana Tova "Sana Taibah"

Masel - 9-17-2007 at 05:26 AM

Benjamin, I'm not an expert on jewish tradition but I was having this conversation today with my grandparents, and the jewish year is calculated from the date of Moses recieving the ten commandments on mount sinai, not the creation of the world, which is obviously a lot older.

Benjamin - 9-17-2007 at 11:04 AM

Hi Masel,
You may have been confused by the fact that the jewish calendar start with the month of Nissan, which is the date of receiving the Thora indeed. The new year, Rosh HaShana, starts on the seventh month of the jewish calendar (yeah strange people ;-) ), and marks the creation of the world, and during this period not only the Jews but also all the human being are judged and are invited not to repeat the sins they made during the year, and to improve their behaviour for the new year.

omazuz - 9-18-2007 at 01:58 PM

Benjamin shalom
Our calender starts at our first month of our calender (Tishrey) and not on the seventh month of our calender (Nissan) . at the seventh we are celebrating Pessah which is the day we came out of Egypt and started our journey to Israel throw Sinai dezert which lasted 40 years.