Mike's Oud Forums

My new Sukar oud.

SamirCanada - 9-17-2007 at 10:53 AM

Hello fellas.
I recentelly got myself a new Sukar oud.

I like it very much so far. The only thing I noticed is that it likes the lower tuning a lot more. I can tune it in standard pitch no problem of course but it just doesnt sound right in standard pitch. its much more at ease at one step lower.

By the way I bought off ebay by a seller called Palmyrami
very nice to deal with in the end. He sent it via USPS and it came to me in 5 days.

here are some pictures.

SamirCanada - 9-17-2007 at 10:54 AM

the back of it.

Benjamin - 9-17-2007 at 10:58 AM

Hi Samir
Your oud looks really nice, and I'm sure the sound is great as I play myself on a sukar oud (but the cheapest one). Yours looks really nicer than mine. Can you tell me how much did you paid?

MatthewW - 9-17-2007 at 10:59 AM

Congratulations SamirCanada! looks like a cool oud dude! What's the bowl made of? I've noticed that Palmyrami also sells those hard form-fit oud cases- did you get one as well? what are they like? happy playing-:airguitar:

amtaha - 9-17-2007 at 11:33 AM

That's a bad boy right there ..

Play it in good health, Samir.


SamirCanada - 9-17-2007 at 11:46 AM


when are you going to come over and give it a try?
your welcome anytime.

thank you fellas.
Iam going to be putting a sound file under the Makam of the month ( Sekah)
so you can go there and listen to it and afterwards since I will know that you have been to the post!?
you will have no excuse not to contribute hehehe :cool:

Matthew: Thanks for the good wishes. I know the darker wood on the bowl is Walnut but the light couloured wood could be Oak but Iam really not sure. It came with its own sukar fiberglass case.
they are quite handy btw. I use one to travel with my shehata.

Benjamin: Sukar ouds go for between 400$ and 800$ I beleive. It depends on the model.

dubai244 - 9-17-2007 at 12:55 PM

Hi Samir,

Congratulations samir for your new oud. I wish you happy playing.


Jason - 9-17-2007 at 01:21 PM

Great looking oud Samir. How is the quality on the fingerboard inlay? I can't wait to hear it

SamirCanada - 9-17-2007 at 02:12 PM

hey Jay
its not bone but its some hard material (probably plastic??)
Its laser cut so there isnt a gap anywhere very tight fit between the peices but then again Iam not sure how it will resist wear and tear.

oudplayer - 9-17-2007 at 04:15 PM

Hey samir

mabruk man this is a really nice peice, use it in good health, btw i hope its ok with diana:D

btw what made you get a sukar,

thx sammy