Mike's Oud Forums

Canadian oud sellers?

Marc - 9-20-2007 at 06:01 AM

Hi everyone! I had a chance a while ago to play an oud, and now I really really really want to get one! Thing is...nobody knows what I'm talking about in music stores in small town north Ontario! Any help tracking one down would be greatly appreciated.

Also, has anybody heard of or tried the Godin Glissentar? It's built like a guitar, but with oud like neck and strings, kinda cool, but not enough like the 'real' thing for me. The best thing about it though is it can come already wired for MIDI interface, very cool.

I'd like some advice on what kind of price range should I expect, any structural issues to look for, that kind of stuff. I've been playing guitar most of my life, this seems like a very natural evolution for me right now!

SamirCanada - 9-20-2007 at 07:41 AM

Hey mark, Iam a oud player and I live in ottawa.
I have some ouds for sale I can help you get your hands on a beginer, intermediate or professional oud. If your in town sometimes I can arrange a meeting and you can take a look at different ouds.

drop me a mail at samir_nassif@hotmail.com I'll help you out.

and yeh dont go the glissentar way. its not a oud and you wont be able to replace a good oud.

Haluk - 9-20-2007 at 11:01 AM

I have a wholesaler at Quebec.

Here is his address:

Mundo Instruments
497, Robinson Road
Sutton, Quebec, Canada

Tel: 1-450-538-1417
Fax: 1-450-538-1559
e-mail: mundo.instruments@gmail.com

Good luck.

Marc - 9-20-2007 at 07:42 PM

Thanks for the replies and info. Ottawa is about 4 hours from here... I wouldn't mind another trip to the national gallery either...hmmmm

SamirCanada - 9-21-2007 at 05:48 AM

sure! National Galery is nice. let me know of your plans in that case.
in the mean time i encourage you to go trough this forum's long history of posts and read up on ouds because
"you think you know but you have no idea"
Iam pretty sure thats a famous quote.

Marc - 9-25-2007 at 08:45 AM

I have a guitar student who was given an oud as a retirement present from a co-worker. She let me play it for a few days, and I was totally won over at that point. I also play fretless bass and a bit of cello, so the fretless concept is not at all new to me.

My first inspiration to get one though came form a Strunz and Farah CD, I don't remember the song, but it was on the Guitarras CD. I knew I had to have one!

pauldata - 9-25-2007 at 05:45 PM

Last spring I ordered an oud from the Sandi Cankaya music company in Ankara. I went with the recommendation of John Berberian, and I ordered their student model with hard case. Turned out to be an excellent instrument; no issues with shipping, etc. You might want to check out their website.
There are also several luthiers who are members of this board who I am sure could set you up with a fine instrument.
You should be able to get a very nice oud for under $1,000. (I advise you buy it with a hard case.)
