adamgood - 12-6-2007 at 02:49 AM
There's a Müstear Saz Semaisi on the following recording:
Mesut Cemil - Volumes 2 & 3 Instrumental Recordings
(track 3 of disc 1)
If anyone has the liner notes, can you tell me the composer of this pieces?
I think it's Nikolaki but I'm not sure
Microber - 12-6-2007 at 04:37 AM
Hello Adam,
Wich cd are you talking about ?
Is it this one ?
The 3rd track of cd 2 is a suite in 4 parts in makam Müstear.
1st part is a taksim by Mesut Cemil at the cello
2nd is a Pesrev composed by Nikolaki Efendi
The last is the Müstear Saz Semai. The composer is supposed to be İrtical Dede. I say 'supposed' because there is a (?) after his name.
Hope it helps.
adamgood - 12-7-2007 at 03:49 PM
Hi Robert,
I just saw your reply...Yes, that's the CD. this webpage also mentions something about "Irtical Dede":
I've never heard of him/her and can find no other references on the web. really strange!
thanks for the reply!
Brian Prunka - 9-28-2015 at 03:27 PM
Strangely, I was trying to find out more about this Semai, and cam across this old thread. I have a chart from an Arabic book (looks like it's from
the 60s or 70s) and it has the composer as Irtibal Dedeh (دده ارتبال). That name doesn't bring
up anything either. An odd little piece, it doesn't quite follow the traditional Samai form, either, it's A B A C A D A rather than A B C B D B E
Jody Stecher - 9-28-2015 at 03:41 PM
Maybe this sama'i is not the Genuine Irtical?
Brian Prunka - 9-28-2015 at 04:27 PM