Mike's Oud Forums


Brian Prunka - 1-3-2008 at 10:58 AM

hey guys, i just got a new buzuq from sukkar . . . check it out:

Melbourne - 1-3-2008 at 05:23 PM

Hey Brian

That's a really impressive looking buzuq - congrats. Lets hope to hear it soon :)

I dont know much about buzuqs, but I'm guessing by OF's post, the tuning is C G C. If so, its not a million miles away from the Greek D A D rebetiko bouzouki; which to me demonstrates that not in the too distant past, the two were the one instrument.

Brian Prunka - 1-3-2008 at 06:50 PM

hey melbourne . . . thanks, I'm really enjoying it. i'll try to post a sound sample in the next few days . . .but you'll have be patient, i've only been playing a few days ;)

the tuning is C G C. i'm sure the two were more alike in the past, the only major difference is the frets are tied on & movable (so you can have extra microtonal frets and adjust the intonation). i guess most modern bouzoukis have 4 courses? there's some more related to this in the "17th c. saz" thread . . .

samoora - 1-25-2008 at 04:49 AM

how much This buzok?

katakofka - 1-25-2008 at 08:25 AM

Let us hear the sound. I am used on 2 courses buzuq. G, C tuning. Don't know about the third course. But I assume in could be a D. I suggest trying, A, D, A. A while ago I splited the G courses and made it A, D. I liked the combination. Try it.

samoora - 1-25-2008 at 10:19 AM

how much This buzok?

samoora - 1-25-2008 at 11:43 PM

كيف حصلت عليه وباي ثمن ؟؟