Mike's Oud Forums

Laouta Instruction Materials

lumiere - 1-5-2008 at 02:33 AM

Has anyone seen books, CDs, VCDs etc on playing the laouta? The name laouta seems to be ambiguous, but I mean an instrument with nylon strings and Turkish fretting. Thanks for any suggestions!


Oud Freak - 1-5-2008 at 04:45 AM

Hi Lumiere. I think it is a greek instrument (?)
Anwyay check http://www.samir-oud.com, Mr. Samir Azar has recently made Laoutas, I think he could give u some info.

corridoio - 1-5-2008 at 05:10 AM

if you search for "laouta" you will find a link to ross daly video laouta
but if you search for "laouto", for example on youtube, there are several videos..

Arto - 1-5-2008 at 10:26 AM

The Turkish name for this instrument (and the type you are interested in) is lavta. Sorry, I don´t know any instructional material, but if there is any, somebody in this board probably knows. I think it is a bit "obscure" instrument in Turkey today, but is getting more coverage as a classical music instrument. I am not sure, but I have got the impression that it´s original role was more an urban "light music" instrument, dance music for example? I´d like to know more, too, of its history and roles.

You get some nice music clips in Google by putting in search word "lavta". For example this one I like:


best wishes,

Lavta instruction

will_oud - 1-6-2008 at 12:22 PM

Hello all. For anything Greek or Turkish, I suggest you contact Mr. Mavrothis Kontinis. He may be able to help as it relates to lavta instruction and materials.

Oud Freak - 1-6-2008 at 01:34 PM

Nice utube link. Already heard about lavta without knowing precisely what it is. I can imagine the lavta being the child of a oud and a buzuk.

By the way is the lavta an equivalent to the Nash2at Kar? There are nash2at kar pics in Ibrahim Sukkar's website, but what are the main differences between with the lavta?

lumiere - 1-6-2008 at 11:33 PM

Thanks all for the replies, and the links to the videos. Ross Daly is especially impressive because his whole group sounds good together. I see he has some CD releases on Amazon. They're definitely going on my wish list.
