Mike's Oud Forums

20% discounted beginners ouds

Haluk - 5-7-2008 at 02:36 AM


We celebrate 40th anniversary of Eraydin Sazevi.
All instruments off 20% the list price.
This offer valid until June 1st 2008.
Pictures of beginners model oud-2 attached.
Different woods combinations also available.
With best wishes.

baglamaplayer - 5-8-2008 at 03:28 AM

Mr. Haluk,

Which kinda baglamas you make for prof. players?
Could you please send pictures of them?
Thanks for your time.

Haluk - 5-9-2008 at 05:32 AM

Hi Baglamaplayer,

This is an oud forum so to send pictures of baglamas may cause misunderstanding between members.
If you mention your e-mail address,I can send you pictures.
However,you can see a lot of pictures at my web site "images gallery" page.

With best wishes.

baglamaplayer - 5-10-2008 at 01:28 AM

Dear Mr. Haluk,

Thank you for nice pictures of electric and acoustic baglamas.
I will order an electric baglama soon.

NUR - 5-12-2008 at 05:52 PM

Hi Haluk,

How many oud-2 beginners you have and are there Walnut- Mahagony combination oud-2 available?
If you have not at your stock,is it possible to make one before the end of your campaign 1st. June 2008??


Haluk - 5-13-2008 at 01:16 AM

Hi Nur,

I have only 2 ouds available but can finish 4 or 5 Walnut-Mahagony oud till 1st. of June.